而且,无需将 iPhone 从基座中取出,即可进行解锁或使用触控 ID。iPhone 闪电基座还配备音频端口,可与带有线控功能和 3.5 毫米插头的耳机配合使用,也可通过此输出端口连接有源扬声器。同时也支持其他闪电配件,如闪电转 USB 连接线 (包含在 iPhone 包装中)。你甚至可以使用放在基座中的 iPhone 进行免提通话。
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I have an iPhone 6 and 7, with iOS 14.4. Does this combination support WiFi calling using an ethernet adapter? Same question for FaceTime and iMessage. I want to be able to use these functions without using 3G or 4G or WiFi, only an ethernet connection. Thanks for any help you can p...
I can’t find any information whether I’ll be able to get online if I connect my iPhone via Ethernet (when my router has no power, I want to plug the Ethernet cable that comes out of the wall, in my iPhone, via an adapter) Some may ask why I’d want to use such a weird con...
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'connect' to device from iPad/iPhone/mac via USB-C ethernet adapter in link-local mode fails App & System Services Core OS iOS macOS Network Bonjour bims Created Feb ’23 Replies 4 Boosts 0 Views 1.2k Participants 3 We have an issue with creating an ordinary TCP socket connection...
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从iTunes12提取的苹果USB设备驱动. 包含以下两个设备: Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Apple Mobile Device Ethernet 上传者:qq446252221时间:2019-04-30 apple_mobile_device_types.json 这是苹果的device model 跟iPhone Name 的对照表 , 例:iPhone7,2 => iPhone 6 ...
支持带遥控功能和麦克风的 Apple iPhone 耳机 支持音频输出 键盘和触控板 内置78 (U.S.) 键或 79 (ISO) 键的标准尺寸背光键盘,包括 12 个功能键和 4 个方向键(呈倒 T 形排列),并配有环境光传感器 Multi-Touch 触控板可实现精准光标控制;支持惯性滚动、开合、旋转、轻扫、三指轻扫、四指轻扫、 ...
新到货测试版新iPhone转老iphone4接口Apple Lightning to 30-pin 转换器(0.2 米)闪电转30针 数据线MD824FE/A A1450 这批货全是测试版,注意,全是测试版,全有小瑕疵,在意这些问题的不要拍了,可能个别音箱可能会用不了,卖一条少一条的货,这个线是新苹果手机接口转到老款苹果接口上的,通过这个产品可以使用这...