iPhone 16 model or iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone Pro Max iOS 18.3 Step 1: Update your iPhone to iOS 18.3. Software updates are located in Settings beneath your Apple account. iOS 18.3 is expected within the next few days. Step 2: Navigate to Settings. ...
更新可通过“设置”应用中的“通用 > 软件更新”进行空中下载。 此次更新主要包括未指定的错误修复,建议所有用户更新。这似乎是一个小型更新,重点是提高整体系统稳定性和安全性。 与iOS 17.2.1同时,苹果还为旧款iPhone和iPad发布了iOS 16.7.4和iPadOS 16.7.4。 苹果目前正在测试iOS 17.3...
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Plus Model Variety: Available in Multiple Models to Suit Different iPhone Models Features: |Iphone 14 Or Pro|Iphone 14 Pro Max Phone Cases|Apple Iphone 13 Mini Case Leather| **Unmatch...
更新之后MacBook Pro采用了原彩显示技术的2560x1600分辨率视网膜显示屏,它最早被应用在iPad Pro上,让MacBook Pro的显示效果更加出色,最高亮度500尼特,支持P3广色域。另外,MacBook Pro的“蝶式”键盘也得到了一定的改善。 MacBook Pro 13.3英寸配置四核、八代的i5处理器 ,2.4GHz基础频率、4.1GHz最高睿频;高配则是...
来自iPhone 客户端 举报 顶(0) 踩(0) @TA 回复 92楼 2018-11-03 Cenaf 如果我没有Pro就会买这款 办公不太需要Pro 来自iPhone 客户端 举报 顶(0) 踩(0) @TA 回复 91楼 2018-11-02 phartcn 1 完颜阿骨鞑 : 注意这个8代i5是双核坑爹货 2 phartcn : 18版的不是4核吗? 展开隐藏...
In addition to Face ID support, we expect the new iPad Pro models' main upgrade to include replacing Lightning with a USB-C interface and bundling with a new unibody design 18W power adapter, which cancels the removable plug design… Kuo adds that 2018 iPhone models will retain the Lightning...
for Magsafe Case for iPhone 15 16 Pro Max 16Pro Retro Luxury Full Grain Cowhide Genuine Oiled PULL-UP Leather Magnetic CoverUSD 10.99/piece Description 1. Back Material: 100% Natural Cowhide Leather. 2. Inside Material: PC. 3. Function: Great protection from dirt, scratch and damages. ...