I bought an iPhone 15 Pro Max in the end of February 2024, its battery maximum capacity dropped to 98% in June 2024 with less than 116 charging cycle! battery seems normal... Reset/ or a Force Restart, Force restart iPhone - Apple Support restore from backup, restore as new device. ...
Is this happening with your iPhone 15 Pro Max battery too? My battery capacity has decreased from 100% to 98% within two weeks, despite only using it for 2-3 hours daily and charging it mostly one time in two days. - Charger Cable: Original - Purchased: Almost 4 months ago - Room T...
iPhone 15 Pro Max搭载了最新的A17 Bionic芯片,这一突破性设计使得AI性能提升显著,无论是照片自动优化、实时语音翻译还是智能推荐,都能为用户提供无缝的智能化体验。它的ProMotion显示技术也实现了120Hz自适应刷新率,确保了流畅无比的视觉效果,无论是玩游戏、看视频还是浏览网页,都能带来极致享受。 在摄影方面,iPhone...
苹果公司今日在全球科技大会(WWDC)上发布了全新的iPhone 15 Pro Max,这款旗舰手机凭借其前所未有的电池寿命和革命性的AI技术,无疑将重塑智能手机市场格局。据苹果官方介绍,iPhone 15 Pro Max配备了史上最长的电池续航,一次充电可支持长达两天的正常使用,解决了消费者长期以来对手机续航的痛点。 该设备的核心亮点在于...
Here's info on the battery specs (e.g., Usage Time, Standby Time, etc.) for your iPhone 15 Pro / iPhone 15 Pro Max.
苹果公司今日震撼发布了全新的iPhone 15 Pro Max,这款旗舰设备以其前所未有的120小时电池续航和升级版的人工智能技术,引领智能手机市场进入了一个全新的篇章。这款设备的设计革新不仅提升了用户的日常使用体验,还对行业竞争格局产生了深远影响。 iPhone 15 Pro Max配备了业界首款采用全新Lithium Quantum电池技术的超长续...
With a new titanium casing, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is smaller and lighter than ever but still manages to extend its capabilities
Apple is advertising all iPhones, no matter what their battery capacity is, to recharge about 50% in 30 minutes with its 20W adapter. We have completed our charging test with Apple's original 20W power adapter, and the times are a match to the 14 Pro Max. The iPhone 15 Pro Max ...
today, Apple says the batteries in the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max are designed to retain 80% of their original capacity at 1,000 complete charge cycles under ideal conditions, compared to the 500 charge cycles it advertises for all older iPhone ...
In summary, whether paired with Apple's own charger or third-party chargers with a rating of 30W or higher, the charging power of the iPhone 15 Pro Max consistently reaches its maximum charging capacity, which is around 25W. In terms of charging compatibility, it can undoubtedly be considered...