MacRumors conducted abrief poll on Twittertoday that asked all of our followers to select which iPhone X color and storage capacity they plan to pre-order later this week, and the results are now in. As a refresher, the iPhone X comes in Silver and Space Gray, with 64GB or 256GB of ...
To use Apple Pay Cash in today's beta, both people will need to be running the iOS 11.2 public beta. $10 minimum must be loaded onto the Apple Pay Cash card in Wallet, two-factor authentication must be turned on, and an iPhone 6 or later is required. Apple Pay Cash is limited to...
John Cena is a wrestler and philanthropist most known for his role as the character of the same name in WWE. He's also starred in many movies, such as 2005's "You Can't See Me" and in 2021's "F9." Dua Lipa is a singer and songwriter with multiple chart-toppin...
听音乐这种续航多久,然后就是要不要下个月等9出 分享195 手机吧 77790010 苹果iPhone 14/Pro重磅爆料:没有刘海、全新钛金属设计IT之家 9 月 8 日消息 苹果已经宣布将于北京时间 9 月 15 日凌晨一点举行秋季发布会,届时有望推出新一代 iPhone 13/12s 系列机型等产品。 在此之前,爆料者 @jon_prosser 在...
苹果公司最近发布了iOS 17.2.1和macOS 14.2.1更新。以下是主要特性和更新的概要:iOS 17.2.1(适用于iPhone和iPad):更新可通过“设置”应用中的“通用 >
One movie, Steven Soderbergh's "Unsane," was filmed almost entirely using an iPhone 7 Plus;read our interview from March with actor Joshua Leonardabout the experience on set, as well as Soderbergh editing the film on a MacBook Pro in a single evening. ...
Pozz,imam iPhone 8 kako da se najbolje proveri dali je LCD orginal i true tone na mom telefonu nema ako može neko objašnjenje. Hvala Vlada • 2.08.2023 14:21h fc5vyw9n3s1zw7m Na zalost, ako nemas True Tone... display ti nije orginalni vec naknadno zamenjen. Samim tim sto...
88VIP:醒你 360支点壳新款适用苹果16promax手机壳iPhone全包防摔保护套磁吸 50.35元 ESR 亿色 iPhone XR到14系列 壳膜盲盒 2个装 7.9元(需用券) Anker 安克 iPhone15Pro Magsafe磁吸充电二合一防摔磨砂支点壳男女款手机壳 68.58元(需用券) DIVI 第一卫 iPhone超薄透明硅胶手机壳 1.9元(需用券) 88VIP:BLUEO...
来自iPhone 客户端 举报 顶(0) 踩(0) @TA 回复 92楼 2018-11-03 Cenaf 如果我没有Pro就会买这款 办公不太需要Pro 来自iPhone 客户端 举报 顶(0) 踩(0) @TA 回复 91楼 2018-11-02 phartcn 1 完颜阿骨鞑 : 注意这个8代i5是双核坑爹货 2 phartcn : 18版的不是4核吗? 展开隐藏...
本人是一名果粉🍎很久了,从最早的iPod入坑,到iPad mini2最有性价比的平板,到Macbook系列轻薄本,到iPhone 6s和iPhone Xr。在我看来AirPods无疑是苹果近年最成功的产品,而Apple Watch是苹果近年来最没有使用价值的产品,但是这次发布的第5代产品,加入了屏幕常亮功能,让它看起来像一块真正意义的手表,我是在是忍不...