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CNBC has reached out to Apple to ask about the manufacturing plans in India for the iPhone 15. The price rises in both India and China can be partly explained by the fact that their respective currencies, the Indian rupee and Chinese yuan, have depreciated against the U.S. dollar i...
购买iPhone 15 RMB 375/月 (24 期)或RMB 8,999 折抵换购优惠 RMB 200-RMB 6100 Footnote * 可享最长 24 个月免息分期服务 脚注◊◊◊ (在新窗口中打开) 机型: 哪一款适合你? iPhone 15 6.1 英寸显示屏脚注¹ RMB 225/月 (0% 费率 24 个月分期) 起或 RMB 5399 起 iPhone 15 Plus 6.7 ...
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Apple iPhone 15 Pro Battery life Video playback: Up to 23 hours Apple iPhone 15 Plus Screen Super Retina XDR display; 6.7-inch (diagonal) all-screen OLED display; 2796-by-1290-pixel resolution at 460 ppi Apple iPhone 15 Screen Super Retina XDR display; 6.1-inch (diagonal) all-screen OLED...
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iPhone 15 Plus同样提供了黑、粉、黄、蓝、绿五种颜色选择,采用了双离子交换工艺打造。航空级铝合金材质,配备独家超瓷晶面板,支持 IP68 抗水性能,整机重201g,厚度为7.8mm。 屏幕方面,iPhone 15 Plus 采用了一块6.7 OLED 超视网膜 XDR 显示屏,分辨率为2796×1290,460ppi,局部峰值亮度也是来到了2000尼特,支持100...