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User profile for user: JalGroen JalGroen User level: Level 1 9 points Oct 10, 2017 10:36 AM in response to Bernhard Walzl Hello, The same probem just happened to me. I'm from the Netherlands. My girlfriend bought me an Iphone 7 from best buy in Utah and they told her it would...
这位概念设计师收到了来自阿姆斯特丹 Hofhuis Alkema Groen Advocaten 律师事务所的信函,“律师函”长达 5 页,律所强调了从苹果公司非法获取的“被盗信息”,即便相关内容早已成为互联网上公开的秘密 —— 比如 Concept Creator 参考各方爆料信息而创作的 AirPods Max 无线耳机渲染图。 IT之家了解到,律所宣称此类报告...