The iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 both feature the same display size, 5G connectivity, A15 Bionic chip, and design. Nevertheless, the iPhone 14 still offers a number of upgrades, such as an additional GPU core, Emergency SOS via satellite, the Photonic Engine, and Action Mo...
Why is Apple iPhone 13 better than Apple iPhone 14? 45.03% higher AnTuTu benchmark score ?1186860vs818330 Scroll down for more details Why is Apple iPhone 14 better than Apple iPhone 13? 2GB more RAM memory ?6GBvs4GB 6.25% wider aperture at minimum focal length ?f/2.4 & f/1.5vsf/2.4...
Apple iPhone 14, Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max: Technical Specifications and Speed/Benchmarks comparison (Camera, Processor, Memory size, Price and Features)
The iPhone 13 display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 6.06 inches diagonally (actual viewable area is less). ...
iPhone 14 and iPhone 13 in the performance stakes. Both house Apple’s A15 Bionic processor, and both run on 4GB of RAM. The A15 is still a very speedy chip, so both will perform very well for 99% of tasks, but don’t expect the iPhone 14 to do anything the older device can’t...
iPhone 13 Apple Rated 4.2116 out of 5 fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329fill=#1d2329 4.2 5K Este dispositivo ya no está disponible. $17.50al mes Precio minorista desde: $629.99 Requiere acuerdo de 36 meses con tasa de interés anual (APR) del 0% y servicio. Clientes e...
苹果iPhone 14的屏幕尺寸与iPhone 13相同,也就是6.1英寸的屏幕。iPhone 14 Plus的屏幕为6.7英寸。iP...
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Compare Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max vs Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max with our phone comparison tool and get side-by-side specifications.
计时器 闹钟 计算器 汇率 电子记事本 日历 飞行模式 SyncML 数据与传真机 屏幕保护程序 主题 可交换的外壳 语音拨号 扬声器 录音电话机 振动 Apple iPhone 14 Pro 总体等级:6,65 Apple iPhone 13 Pro 总体等级:7,13 广告