公式编辑器和键盘将出现。 【注】键盘因 iPad 不同机型而异。 【提示】若要执行求和、求平均数或乘法等基本运算,您还可以选择要使用的数据,轻点屏幕底部的 ,然后选取一个公式。Numbers 表格会自动插入公式并根据您的所选内容选取结果单元格。 轻点一个单元格以用于公式中,或执行以下任一项操作来输入值: 添加文本...
了解如何查找 iPhone、iPad、iPod、HomePod、Mac 或其他 Apple 产品的序列号。 先检查此处 根据具体产品,你可以通过下列一种或多种方式找到序列号: 检查产品表面有没有印刻的序列号。 在Mac 上,选取苹果菜单 >“关于本机”。 在iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Apple Vision Pro 或 Apple Watch 上,前往“设置”...
Just know, you’re not alone if you’re experiencing iOS 10 problems, as the iPhone and the iPad update has run into a number of issues. Here’s how to fix the most common glitches, from poor battery life to spotty Bluetooth connectivity, to iPhones and iPads bricking when trying to ...
Check your Apple warranty status. Enter a serial number to review your eligibility for support and extended coverage.
Get Apple iPad mini support for the topic: Find IMEI & serial number. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
在iPad 上的 Numbers 表格中查找电子表格 文稿管理器(如下所示)是在你打开 Numbers 表格且没有打开的电子表格时或打开“文件” App 时所看到的内容。你可以通过标题或内容(包括文本、作者姓名、媒体文件名称、视频和图像描述以及批注等)搜索电子表格,或者浏览你储存电子表格的位置来查找(例如,在iCloud 云盘中、在你...
在iPhone 或 iPad 上:前往“设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“登录与安全性”>“双重认证”。在“受信任电话号码”上方,轻点“编辑”。 在Mac 上:选取苹果菜单 >“系统设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“登录与安全性”>“双重认证”。在“受信任电话号码”部分,你可以添加和移除电话号码。
The Challenge is free to enter — you just need access to an iPad or Mac with Swift Playground or Xcode. The best app ideas are personal — let your passion shine through your work. No formal coding experience required — the Challenge is open to students of all levels. ...
Enter the serial number of your iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, Apple Watch, Apple TV, HomePod, etc. Type in the verification code and hit Continue. On the next page, you will see your service and support coverage, such as valid purchase date, telephone support, repairs and service coverage ...
find the serial number and other information for your ipad and identify your ipad model . did you get the help you needed? did you get the help you needed? yes no additional support apple visit your device manufacturer's website. user manual here's your device's complete ...