了解如何安全地抹掉 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上的信息并将设备恢复为出厂设置。 如果你还需要安全地抹掉 Apple Watch,你可以按照以下步骤取消配对你的设备。 备份你的设备 请确保备份你的设备,以便你可以稍后恢复数据。 抹掉设备 轻点“抹掉所有内容和设置”。 根据提示,输入你的设备密码或 Apple 账户密码 忘记...
将iPhone、iPad 或 iPod 恢复为出厂设置时,将会抹掉相应设备上的信息和设置,并安装最新版本的 iOS、iPadOS 或 iPod 软件。 如果手边没有电脑,而你的设备仍可正常使用,你可以在不使用电脑的情况下抹掉并恢复你的设备。 准备好你的设备 将你的设备恢复为出厂设置 ...
Similar questions Reset mode I have an ipad mini and it doesnt go to the recovery mode when I follow the instructions 4 years ago 100 1 how to restore ipad stuck in recovery mode how to restore ipad stuck in recovery mode 2 years ago 293 1 in trying to reset my ipad, it will...
Step 3: After entering recovery mode, iTunes will direct you to a new screen labeled “There is a problem with the “iPad” that requires it to be updated or restored”. Hit the Restore icon to reset the device. Restore iPad via iTunes How to Reset iPad Mini without iTunes and Comput...
if you have a passcode, you will be prompted to enter your passcode to complete the reset. if you can't update or restore your ipad with the steps above, for instructions on how to put your device in recovery mode and set it up again, click here . 5. allow data to be uploaded to...
你可以将 iOS 设备置于恢复模式,然后使用电脑进行恢复。 出现以下情况时,你可能需要使用恢复模式来恢复你的设备: 电脑无法识别你的设备,或提示你的设备处于恢复模式。 屏幕上持续显示 Apple 标志长达几分钟时间,但没有显示进度条。 你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。
恢复过程完成后,iPhone 上会出现“你好”屏幕。断开手机与电脑的连接,然后设置并使用 iPhone。 进一步了解 iPhone 的设置过程 如果你忘记了 iPad 密码,请了解该怎么做 发布日期:2025 年 01 月 31 日 有帮助? 是否 字符限制:250 最多250 个字符。
if you have a passcode, you will be prompted to enter your passcode to complete the reset. if you can't update or restore your ipad with the steps above, for instructions on how to put your device in recovery mode and set it up again, click here . 6. allow data to be uploaded ...
iPad stuck in recovery mode keeps restarting while trying to restorestuck in recovery mode I recently bought an iPad from someone on Facebook that is stuck in recovery mode. when I try to restore using iTunes it restarts continually as it tries to restore so it never works. if I take it...
You will be able to restore data from a pre-existing iCloud backup without the use of a computer, but will require a PC/Mac to restore data from an iTunes backup. iPadOS 15.1 and earlier - and all devices that are Disabled If your iPhone/iPad indicates that it is disabled/unavail...