Despite following the documentation and ensuring that my redirect URL is correctly configured, I'm encountering an "invalid_request" error with the message "Invalid web redirect URL." Redirect URI: Domain and Subdomain: https://8aee...
Hello, I'm trying to implement the Sign in with apple feature to our web login. I configured the App ID and Service ID and added the return Url, but I'm getting the error message "invalid_request. Invalid redirect_uri." here is my initilization code AppleID.auth.init ({clientId : ...
1) How do i create redirect uri? Is this deeplink url which can be created using 2) Do i need to have two separate redirect uri separate for web and android? Please let me know about this. 0 Copy rakesh0023 answer mark...
楼主在做公司项目的时候遇到url重定向的问题,因此上网简单查找,作出如下结果由于使用的是语言是python所以以下是python的简单解决方案 http_headers = { 'Accept': '*/*','Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) C...
In the simulator I get "invalid_request, invalid web redirect URL", and on-device the FaceID authentication fails with a very non-specific "Sign Up Not Completed" error. I'm completely out of ideas here, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
invalid_request Invalid web redirect url.
I have followed Apple's documentation very carefully and have everything working except the redirect url. No matter what redirect url I try to use, I can authenticate and then it gives me an error saying "invalid_request" "Invalid web redirect url." Has anyone else had this same problem...
"redirect_uri": "重定向url,网页登录需要,只是客服端登录可以不写", "key_id": "在苹果后台获取,如下图", "scope": "设置我们要从用户那里收集什么信息,我们可以设置email和name,或者也可以不写 } 获取key_id web使用Sign In with Apple的相关配置,不需要web登录的,以下配置可以忽略 ...
redirect_uri:授权时用的重定向URL,web使用AppleID登录时使用。如果是使用web,开发者网站中配置sign in with appleid 时填写Web Authentication Configuration,原生可不传。 苹果后台返回的数据: {"access_token":"一个token,此处省略","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600,"refresh_token":"一个token,此处...
- redirect_uri:MSAL 應用程式會使用<Bundle ID>://auth 格式 重新整理對要求承載有顯著差異: - authority:包含與一般端點相反的 Microsoft Entra 租使用者 URL 端點 - home_account_id:以 <UserObjectId>.<TenantID> 格式顯示使用者帳戶 - username:哈希 UPN 格式 auth.placeholder-XXXXXXXX__doma...