Configure In-App Purchases To use the In-App Purchase API, you first need to configure the products that your app merchandises. In the early stages of development, you can configure the products in the StoreKit configuration file in Xcode, and test your code without any dependency on App Stor...
People can use in-app purchase to pay for virtual goods — like premium content, digital goods, and subscriptions — securely within your app, regardless of the device on which it runs.
In-app purchases - why so frustrating? I'm adding my first in-app purchase to an app, and I'm finding the process incredibly frustrating. Aside from the Apple Developer Documentation not being clear enough, and kind of glossing over the technical steps required (and their sample code being...
In-App Purchase(IAP): itunes connect配置文档: 开发文档:
应用内购买(In-App Purchase)和苹果支付(Apple Pay)是两种不同的支付方式,它们在iOS系统中都被广泛应用。 应用内购买(In-App Purchase)是指用户可以在应用程序内部直接购买虚拟商品或服务,而无需离开应用程序。这种购买方式在iOS系统中被广泛应用,主要用于游戏、应用程序内的订阅、虚拟商品购买等场景。
2、In-App Purchase (IAP): itunes connect配置文档: AppPurchase_Guide_SCh/Chapters/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014488 ...
- In-App Purchase extension:Manage users' subscriptions(create a user and offer him a subscription) - User Authentication extension:Create a Test User Account If the authentication is managed outside GoodBarber: - Create a demo user from the authentication service you use. ...
Is there an api that can tell us that a given in app purchase product is linked to a certain price tier ? If a user payed for a subscription, how can we tell on the server if the 1.99$ price tier will have a 30% or 15% fee from AppStore depending on the subscription duration ?
在App Store Connect 中配置 App 内购买项目 要使用 App 内购买项目,你必须首先在 App Store Connect 中配置产品。在开发 App 时,你可以添加或移除产品,也可以完善或重新配置现有的产品。有关更多信息,请参阅“App 内购买项目配置流程”。 你还可以将在多个平台上运行的 App 和 App 内购买项目作为单个购买...
You can purchase and distribute public as well as private apps using Apple Business Manager. Store apps:Using Apple Business Manager, Content Managers can acquire both free and paid apps that are available in the App Store. Custom Apps:Using Apple Business Manager, Content Managers can also acqui...