只需一个 Apple 账户和密码即可访问所有 Apple 服务。 登录以管理你的账户。 登录
Apple ID 现更名为 Apple 账户。你仍可使用原来的电子邮件地址或电话号码和密码登录。了解更多
使用你的 Apple ID 登录以访问 Apple 服务,例如 App Store、Apple Music、iCloud、FaceTime 通话、Apple Books 等等。 你可以在设置 Mac 时登录,也可以随时通过选取苹果菜单 >“系统设置”,在边栏中点按“使用你的 Apple ID 登录”,然后输入你的 Apple ID 和密码来登录。如果你没有 Apple ID,则可以创建一个...
Apple ID is the account that you use to access Apple services like Apple Music, App Store, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc., as it includes the email address and password that you use to sign in as well as all the contact, payment, and security details that you use across Apple serv...
需要就 Apple 产品或服务获取协助?你找对地方了。你可以在这里找到答案、解决问题,还可以联系实时支持。 忘记了密码? 如果你忘记了密码,尝试重新登录你的 Apple 账户。 更改密码 申请退款 查看你从 App Store、iTunes Store、Apple Books 或其他 Apple 服务购买的项目是不是符合退款条件。
Apple Account . Tap Don't have an Apple ID . The option to create a new Apple ID shows only when not logged in with an existing ID. Enter your first and last name and birthdate in the spaces provided then tap Next . From the Email Address screen, tap ...
Your email address will be your icloud account name. Apple offers you to choose your current email address or get an Icloud email address. You can receive Icloud email without payment and also icloud is free from advertising. Choosing Apple ID password you need to remember than it also wil...
If your Apple ID account is locked or disabled, you can access iforgot.apple.com to unlock from any device. After confirming your identity, you can fix your Apple ID account and password locked with iforgot. Thus, iforgot Apple ID unlocking is a good choice....
Enter this code and set a new password for your Apple ID. Way 2. Remove Apple ID via Recovery Email or Security Questions on iforgot.apple.com Another way to regain access to your disabled Apple account is using the recovery email or iforgot Apple security questions. The method is ...
美区AppleID成品账号(已增加库存,数量有限,先到先得):小火箭 Shadowrocket 成品号 美国区(账号购买后可以修改密码、密保,并永久使用) 共享账号容易失效,需要稳定的可购买成品账号 美区AppleID共享小火箭:小火箭id共享账号,租用已购此App账号下载(租用仅需 ¥3),租用与独享账号下载的 App 没有区别,下载的 App ...