At Apple, we are always working to create the best experience for our customers, which is why we design products that last. Designing for longevity is a company-wide effort, informing our earliest decisions long before the first prototype is built and guided by historical customer-use data and...
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Apple Support Community Find answers. Ask questions. Connect with Apple customers around the world. Featured Tips Get insights from experienced community members. See all tips User profile for user: Lawrence Finch Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Battery Drain and other considerations...
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1. 软件冲突:苹果设备上的软件冲突是导致SupportApple故障的常见原因之一。这可能是由于安装了不兼容的应用程序、系统更新失败或应用程序更新导致的问题。2. 硬件故障:硬件故障也是SupportApple故障的一个重要成因。这包括电池老化、屏幕损坏、内存故障等。当硬件出现问题时,设备可能无法正常工作,导致SupportApple故障的...
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Here's how to check assisted dialing if you're getting an error message when placing calls. Dial Assist automatically determines the correct international or local prefix when dialing from your Apple®iPhone®. Open the Settings app .