使用同一 Apple 账户登录 iCloudon all of your devices that you want to use with Shared Albums. 打开“共享相簿”: 在iPhone 或 iPad 上,前往“设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“iCloud”>“照片”,然后打开“共享相簿”。 在Mac 上,打开“照片”App。从屏幕顶部的菜单栏中,选取“照片”>“设置”。在 macOS...
设置设备通过 iCloud 使用“照片”后,你可以开启“共享相簿”功能(以前称为iCloud 照片共享)。 通过“共享相簿”,你可以与使用 iCloud 的朋友共享相簿。你还可以在网页上共享相簿,这样任何拥有链接的人即便不使用 iCloud 也可以访问该相簿。 如需更多信息,请参阅 Apple 支持文章《如何在 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上...
Hello, I set up a new iPad (10th generation) with a side by side transfer from my iPhone 14 Pro, all transferred across successfully but when I look at my shared albums I just have the tile and no photos for any of them. My storage in the cloud is 2 TB and I have ample storage...
Adding comments to photos on iCloud shared albums Is there a way to add comments to existing shared photo albums without causing a notice to everyone sharing the album? 5 years ago 1024 2 export photos with comments How can I duplicate my shared album including the comments? Or save phot...
PHAssetCollectionSubtypeSmartAlbumUserLibrary A Smart Album that groups all assets that originate in the user’s own library (as opposed to assets from iCloud Shared Albums). PHAssetCollectionSubtypeSmartAlbumVideos A Smart Album that groups all video assets in the photo library. ...
I am trying to locate information or documentation on how to pull in photos from the iCloud Shared Albums, but have not been able to find anything yet. Dakboard is currently doing it so I know it is possible, but I cannot find an API or any documentation covering how to access the ...
3. Navigating your personal and shared albums After sending the invite(s), your iCloud Photos library will be split into two. You'll have a Personal Library that's completely private and only you can access, just as has been the case in the past. You now also have a Shared Library th...
An iCloud feature that allows users to share photo albums with other iCloud users. Note capitalization; don’t useiCloud Photo Sharing,Shared iCloud Albums, or similar. Youturn onorturn offShared Albums. Useshared albumto refer generically to an album that’s shared using Shared Albums. See...
the Photos app manages in iOS, macOS, tvOS, and visionOS. You might use this framework to edit or display a person’s photos, or to manage collections of assets such as albums, Moments, and Shared Albums. The framework provides access to photos on the person’s device and in iCloud. ...
In my case, the problem suddenly started happening on a specific device only with assets in iCloud shared albums after upgrading from iOS 10.x to 11.0.3, and since then through to 11.2.5. Thinking that maybe requestImageDataForAsset was trying to use files locally cached in /var/mobile...