在没有充足资金情况下,想要将没有经过Apple Homekit认证的物联网设备接入Apple Home中,最直接的方法就是使用经过前苹果home工程师所逆向研发的HomeBridge插件。而网上的教程基本上都是使用Linux主机或安装Linux的树莓派、路由器来实现HomeBridge功能的。在家用环境中,使用一台不关机的windows电脑也可以安装HomeBridge插件,...
zollotech原标题(视频标题来自于kimi生成):Actual Apple TV, AirTags 2 and Where Is iOS 18.2 Beta 4?视频来自于Youtube,不代表本up观点,如有侵权联系删除中文字幕来自谷歌翻译中文配音来自于语音识别后由ai翻译,再由微软tts配音由于语音识别会产生误差,再经过翻译后
It's also brought HomeKit-compatibility with the latest WatchOS update, so you can control your home from your wrist. With the software in place and hardware now trickling out, are we seeing the first coming of HomeKit - or a platform that's yet to, and may never, catch...
智能家居设备,并且拥有独立的控制前端,在层级上来说是和 Appple Home 平台平起平坐的大Boss。换言之,通过 HB 接入 Homekit 只是这个平台应用的一部分,对于其他非 Apple 生态... homebridge-aqara 插件并不支持小米网关 2 的自带灯光控制,白白浪费了设备的功能。 为了摆脱这一束缚,我们可以利用另一个强大的智能...
HomeKit 安全性 136 iOS,iPadOS 和 watchOS 的 SiriKit 安全性 140 WidgetKit 安全性 140 macOS 的 DriverKit 安全性 140 iOS 和 iPadOS 的 ReplayKit 安全性 141 iOS 和 iPadOS 的 ARKit 安全性 142 安全裝置管理 143 安全裝置管理概覽 143 iPhone 和 iPad 的配對模式安全性 143 行動裝置管理 143 Apple ...
What is Apple HomeKit? Apple As mentioned above, HomeKit is a platform that allows different smart home gadgets to communicate with each other and gives you access to all of them through a single app. Along with using the Home app on iOS, you can also dish out voice commands to supporte...
Eve continues to expand its smart home lineup with the Eve Dimmer Switch, a Matter-over-Thread smart switch that lets you control and dim your lights via Siri or HomeKit. Whether you want bright lighting for a morning routine or dimmed overhead lights for a movie, Eve’s new switch ...
HomeKit Consolidated guidance into one page. Game Center Consolidated guidance into one page. CarPlay Consolidated guidance into one page. CareKit Consolidated guidance into one page. Apple Pay Consolidated guidance into one page. App Clips Consolidated guidance into one page. AirPlay Consolidated guida...
之前初二的时候,觉得每次打开米家app很繁琐,但是看到了“从米家到 Homekit,你只需要一个树莓派”还有“借助树莓派与 HomeBridge ,将 YeeLight 彩光灯接入 Apple HomeKit | Matrix 精选”让我受到了启发!中考完了我有更多时间写这篇教程!且之前的文章配置已经不是最新,所以在这里我想再做一个新的!
home than you ever thought possible. Everything from smart lighting, to wireless heating, Wi-Fi-connected plugs and outlets, to smart-controlled locks for your doors and windows. All of those compatible devices are now listed onApple’s HomeKit accessories pageand placed in their own category....