In the history of computers, few are as memorable and as important to a company’s history as that of the Macintosh. Famously championed by Steve Jobs, the 1984 release of the Macintosh and its “1984” advertisement set the stage for a turbulent time in the company but ultimately one tha...
英语读物 美国历史History of the United States, by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard 热度: -1 TheHistoryofApple,Inc. byLeanneGray MacintoshPICT imageformat isnotsupported -2 Why“Apple”?Why“Apple”? SteveJobs,Steve Wozniak,andMike
When thinking about the history of computers, you have to consider operating systems. If you’ve used a video game console, […] VisiCalc of Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston Guide: History, Origin, and More Updated:July 28, 2023byHeather ...
Brief History of Apple Computers
Apple Computer History The firstApple computerappeared in 1977 when Jobs got an order for 50 Apple computers from The Byte Shop. They called it Apple I and they eventually sold 200 units. The Apple I had several limitations due to the financial constraints that Jobs and Wozniak faced. In 197...
the Apple III case successfully expresses the adaptation of the Apple II style to a business environment. The keyboard appears as a separate unit in front of the computer itself. This separation would quickly emerge as a standard characteristic for computers designed for business. Without the integr...
A personal computer was more than an oxymoron; it was inconceivable to many even in the mainframe computer industry - a variously identified executive at Hewlett-Packard reportedly rejected Wozniak's offer of the Apple I design, saying that people would not want computers on their desks at home...
來源: iBook G3 (Clamshell) Following in the footsteps of the iMac models, the iBook was introduced as a low-cost portable Mac for the consumer market: the iBook G3/300 (Original/Clamshell), packed into a sleek han...
It's easy to take that iPad announcement for granted today, in much the same way that we'd take for granted the transition from horse to automobile, or from typewriters to desktop PCs. We now see the multitouch tablet as a natural evolution in the history of computers. ...
Learn about Apple Inc., the computer/consumer electronics company famous for the iPhone, iPad, Mac computers, etc. Explore its product line and history.