There was a $100 apple gift card in my kitchen cupboard. Not sure if my kids have used it before moving out. Whenever I try to check for the balance it says I can only check the balance for cards purchased in USA. I'm in Australia. Is there any way for me to check the balance?
The Apple Gift Card allows you to purchase Apple products, accessories, apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, and iCloud services in the USA. Pay with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, and from 6000+ cryptos on LI.FI. Start living on crypto!
Apple 账户余额(通过兑换 Apple Gift Card或充值) 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 安圭拉 大多数信用卡和借记卡 安提瓜和巴布达 大多数信用卡和借记卡 阿根廷 大多数信用卡和借记卡 巴哈马 大多数信用卡和借记卡 巴巴多斯 大多数信用卡和借记卡 伯利兹 大多数信用卡和借记卡 ...
Tap on Redeem Gift Card or Code: If you're not already signed in, sign in with your Apple ID. If you're signed in, tap "Redeem Gift Card or Code." Check Balance: Instead of redeeming a new gift card, your current balance (if any) will be displayed under your Apple ID. On a M...
Apple Card is subject to credit approval, available only for qualifying applicants in the United States, and issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. Apple Payments Services LLC, a subsidiary of Apple Inc., is a service provider of Goldman Sachs Bank USA for Apple Card and ...
Can I check my card balance? Does it cost extra to use Apple Pay? Can I use Apple Pay abroad? How can my business accept Apple Pay? Does my business need any special equipment to accept Apple Pay? How do I let my customers know I accept Apple Pay?
用加密货币购买 Apple Store 礼品卡。在 Apple Store 用 Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay或其他加密货币付款。即时电子邮件交付。 🇭🇰 这个礼品卡只能在 Hong Kong使用 选择金额 500 HKD 200 HKD 500 HKD 1000 HKD 预计售价 $73.86 添加到购物车 作为礼物购买无...
2) Gift Cards: Gift cards and prepaid cards issued by the Post Office are available for purchase in-store or online. These can provide an easy way to pay for Post Office products and shipping services up to the card balance. 3) Money orders: ...
Learn how to add money to your Apple Account balance on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, see the remaining funds, and know everything else about it.In addition to or instead of adding a payment method like a credit card to your Apple Account, you can also add funds directly to your Apple ...
Apple Watch: Open the Wallet app, tap your Apple Cash card, tap Card Balance, then tap Add Money. Apple Vision Pro: Open the Settings app, tap Wallet & Apple Pay, tap your Apple Cash card, then tap Add Money. Enter an amount. The minimum is $10. Tap Add. Authenticate with Face ...