更新Windows PC 在Windows PC 上,你可能还需要更新 iTunes、更新“Apple 设备”,以及更新驱动程序。 如果系统询问是不是允许配件进行连接,请允许连接 当你将 iPhone 或 iPad 插接至 Mac 时,如果看到 Mac 上显示“允许配件连接?”提醒,请点按“允许”。进一步了解有关允许配件进行连接的信息。
In finder, I always sort my files by name and group by type. However, when I open a finder window from apps, e.g., Word, Photoshop., to insert a file or something, there is no sorting or grouping, only chaos. Any idea on how I can view these Finder-windows as the regular ones?
In one space I keep two finder windows open with several tabs in each one. Any time i leave that space for other apps, then click on the finder icon in the dock, it returns to the finder space but opens a NEW TAB in whichever window was left active. Very frustrating. Never had this...
Windows: C:\Users\[你的用户名]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\BackupMac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup 这个文件夹中存储了设备的备份数据,包括应用数据、设置、照片、联系人等。如果你定期使用iTunes或Finder(macOS Catalina及更高版本)备份你的苹果设备,这个文件夹可能会占用大量...
A way to display and select items by viewing them as icons—for example, the icon view in Finder windows. You can view items in Finder windows as icons, in a list, in columns, or in gallery view. Icon View button The leftmost button in the View control in Finder windows. ...
The macOS Finder provides a variety of easy server connection options. Here's how to use the Connect to Server window in Finder to easily mount and use remote network volumes as if they were local drives.
In server materials or materials written for more technical users, it’s OK to usemounted. You can’t rename a mounted Xsan volume using the Finder. See alsounmount (v.);unmounted (adj.). mouse Avoid referring to the mouse when possible. Switch emphasis to the actions on the screen, suc...
Step 1.Start by opening "Terminal." For this, you have to open Finder, tap on "Applications," and then tap on the folder for "Utilities." Step 2.Then proceed with entering the command as: sudo spctl –master-disable Step 3.Now, go ahead with typing the password. Then press the "En...
Open Apple's Disk Utility from the Finder in macOS SelectImages->Convertfrom the menubar In the open file pane, select the .dmg file you want to convert and click theChoosebutton In the next Save pane, navigate to the destination where you want to save the converted file ...
到此,Windows 下的共享文件夹设置完毕。 回到macOS,在访达(Finder)下,执行菜单命令:前往 > 连接服务器…。在连接服务器窗口中,输入 smb://,接着输入刚才记下的 IP 地址(类似下图这样,注意不要有空格),然后点击“连接”按钮。 这时候,访达会询问要装载 Windows 上的哪个文件夹作为宗卷,因为当前只共享了一个文...