使用“查找”App 或 iCloud.com/find 帮助定位丢失的 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch或Mac。如果你找不到设备或认为设备可能被偷,你可以锁定它以保护自己的信息。 查找你的 iPhone AirPods “查找”App 可在地图上显示你的 AirPods,并播放声音来帮你找到它们。当遗失的 AirPods 就在附近时,“查找”功能还能协助你找到...
你可以在设备上播放声音,使用路线定位设备,或者使用“Find (Nearby)”(查找(附近))功能(如果设备在附近)。 在iCloud.com/find 上使用“查找设备” 登录iCloud.com/find 后,你可以使用“查找设备”App 来定位你的设备。在进入这个 App 后,请查看“所有设备”下方的设备列表,然后轻点要查找的设备。在设备信息卡片...
只需一个 Apple 账户和密码即可访问所有 Apple 服务。 登录以管理你的账户。 登录
使用“查找”来查找 iPhone、Apple Watch、AirPods 等 Apple 设备。播放声音、启用“丢失模式”或定位“家人共享”群组中的设备。
Find My Device开源工具 OpenHaystack https://github.com/seemoo-lab/openhaystack Apple Find My Device 的开源版,目前已停止开发。也是众多开源Find My服务的基础。 Macless-Haystack https://github.com/dchristl/macless-haystack 无须真实Mac设备或虚拟机的情况下,实现自定义FindMy网络的轻松部署和使用。基于Op...
Find My is designed to put you in control of your data. Apple receives location information only when you actively locate your device, mark it as lost, or enable Send Last Location. Location data is encrypted on Apple’s servers and only retained for 24 hours. And when the Find My networ...
Find My Device Set up and use Find My iPhone to find your device and take additional actions that can help you recover it and keep your data safe. INSTRUCTIONS & INFO In this tutorial, you will learn how to: • Set up Find My iPhone...
When I do the reciprocal (use Find My app from her device), the situation is exactly reversed: she has all available options for her AirPods, but for mine there is only "Play Sound" and "Directions". To summarize: When looking at my AirPods from a device signed in with my Apple ID,...
ClintHughes wrote: How do I find information that is an outright lie or erronous information???! On my devices? What kind of information are you talking about? In what app? Reply of 1 How do Find info on my device or on my ipad or iphone thats notcorrect!,,,! Welcome to App...
谷歌今日推出了适用于安卓设备的“Find My Device”网络,其功能类似于苹果的“Find My”网络,旨在帮助用户定位丢失、被盗的安卓产品。 安卓的“Find My Device”网络可以利用数以亿计运行 Android 9 或更高版本的安卓设备,通过蓝牙信号追踪丢失的安卓智能手机并向机主汇报其位置信息。由于该网络利用蓝牙连接,即使安卓...