I tried to use Migration Assistant but it keeps failing. I transferred some documents to an external disk, then used an adapter from USB-A to USB-C. When I try to drag and drop the folders I want into my desktop, it says "Error code -43". I have used First Aid on my disk and ...
I began researching "Error code-36" online and tried solutions such as "dot_clean" or "disk utilities first aid." Unfortunately, nothing I've tried has solved the problem. The error code doesn't pop up as often, but none of the folders I copy on my computer finish the process. Does...
error -10101 telNoTools: unable to find any telephone tools error -10091 telBadFunction: bad msgCode specified error -10090 telPBErr: parameter block error bad format error -10082 telCANotDeflectable: CA not "deflectable" error -10081 telCANotRejectable: CA not "rejectable" error -100...
如果安装器无法建立互联网连接以完成安装,则可能会出现这个错误。请检查你的网络设置或配置。 在安装 macOS Mojave 时,你可能会看到一条提醒信息,提示安装过程中发生错误,这条信息的后面是“com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=551”。请尝试以下解决方案: ...
Starting with Xcode 14, the ability to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code has been removed. Xcode 14 will only build 64-bit apps. iOS 10, which was released in 2016, was the last version of iOS to run 32-bit apps. As of iOS 11, all 32-bit apps installed ...
如果安装器无法建立互联网连接以完成安装,则可能会出现这个错误。请检查你的网络设置或配置。 在安装 macOS Mojave 时,你可能会看到一条提醒信息,提示安装过程中发生错误,这条信息的后面是“com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=551”。请尝试以下解决方案: ...
I still get the error if I do not run QT as administrator. This got me past my problem and I am able to work with .MOV files again. As another note I did try to install other codecs like K-Lite as others who had this problem attempted to do. I could get .MOV files to play ...
The latest macOS offers the world’s best way to play — and add to — your collection of music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, audiobooks, and more.
When you're ready to make your own, watch this code-along: "Build... 18:34 Design with SwiftUI WWDC23 iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS Discover how SwiftUI can help you quickly iterate and explore design ideas. Learn from Apple designers as they share how working with SwiftUI ...
VPP app deploymentsmay fail with:“Error Code : 12064 Could not retrieve license for the app with iTunes Store ID.” Public app deploymentsmay fail with:“Error Code : 5002 An unknown error has occurred.” Note:All iOS versions are affected. ...