what is error code 75 I keep trying to update my I pad and keep getting an error code of 75 I can't find any info on this and now I can't use my iPad as it is all black and won't restart just stays on the black screen with a picture of a computer and cord to connect to ...
Activity Reply toError 4042 I have the same problem with my iPad 6th Gen wifi. Cannot enter recovery mode but DFU only. Tried to factory reset under DFU mode in iTunes but no luck, failed finally with code error 4042 back. I brought it to Apple store and customer service told me to ...
I keep getting a message saying that it couldn't fix the software because of a 4042 error. This error code wasn’t documented anywhere. I brought my iPad to an Apple Store. They confirmed that my battery was fine, all my parts were genuine, but couldn’t fix it. It was a hardwar...
-> (@owned PrimitiveSequence, @error @owned Error) + 36 7 RxSwift 0x000000010b7119ec FlatMapSink.performMap(_:) + 32 (Merge.swift:352) 8 RxSwift 0x000000010b712034 closure #1 in MergeSink.nextElementArrived(element:) + 192 (Merge.swift:443) 9 RxSwift 0x000000010b71136c specialized NS...
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Unspecified Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.apple.suggestd [296] Date/Time: 2024-10-24 13:48:29.8478 -0300 Launch Time: 2024-10-24 13:48:24.2969 -0300 OS Version: iPhone OS 12.5.7 (16H81) Baseband Version: n/a Report Version: 104 ...
以下用户的用户个人资料: XuD_Z XuD_Z 用户级别:社区版主
0 Error Code: 0x00000014 (no mapping for user instruction write) Trap Number: 14 *** Process: MacUpdater [1063] Path: /private/var/folders/*/MacUpdater.app/Contents/MacOS/MacUpdater Identifier: com.corecode.MacUpdater Version: 1.4.15 (6215) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process...
By the way, in working with Bob's disassembler I discovered a typing error in his code. Line 3980 was originally >OXA TAY, and it should have been >OXA DEY. The hex listing in Bob's article showed $AF stored in $963; it really should be $89. Without this change, the DEY opcode...
0 Error Code: 0x0100001f Trap Number: 133 Binary Images: 0x1006db000 - 0x1006edff7 com.apple.turi.visualization-client (1.0 - 1) <B7CE9F22-AF43-3BEC-875F-80FF03375628> /Users/USER/*/Turi Create Visualization.app/Contents/MacOS/Turi Create Visualization 0x100715000 - 0x100725ff7 +lib...
Sometimes recovery mode just doesn’t do the trick and you need to go into DFU mode to reload your iOS. This often happens when a jailbreak goes wrong. iFolks are often confused about the difference between DFU and Recovery Mode. DFU stands for the Device Firmware Update, it’s that stat...