Einen privaten Schlüssel für „Mit Apple anmelden“ erstellen „Mit Apple anmelden“ für das Internet konfigurieren Den privaten E-Mail-Relay-Dienst konfigurieren Wallet-Kennungen und ‑Zertifikate erstellen Eine Mac-Version einer iPad-App erstellen Eine Dienstkennung und einen ...
Beim Erstellen eines Zertifikat für dieApple Pay-Zahlungsabwicklung müssen Sie die Informationen zum Schlüsselpaar angeben. Wählen Sie „ECC“ und „256 bit key pair“ (256-Bit-Schlüsselpaar) aus. Geben Sie beim Erstellen von ECC-Schlüsselpaaren mit Befehlszeilentools wie OpenSSL „pri...
WithStorageAccount FunctionApp.Update FunctionApp.UpdateStages FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithAppServicePlan FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithCredentials FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithDailyUsageQuota FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithDockerContainerImage FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithRuntimeVersion FunctionApp.UpdateStages.With...
Such System Logs may include personally identifiable information, including, without limitation, your account name, information regarding your contacts, calendar events, and email correspondence. Providing these System Logs is voluntary, but to the extent that you choose to provide them, you acknowledge...
General Log outVerb/link to sign out of an account Déconnexion Cerrar sesión Abmelden Esci Encerrar sessão ログアウト 로그아웃 General BugA software problem, issue or error Bogue Error Bug Bug Bug バグ 버그 General Enter Your E-mail AddressTelling the user to enter email add...
Decode(newNSString(creds.IdentityToken, NSStringEncoding.UTF8).ToString()); appleAccount.Email = creds.Email; appleAccount.UserId = creds.User; appleAccount.Name = NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter.GetLocalizedString(creds.FullName, NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle.Default, NSPersonNameComponents...
Such System Logs may include personally identifiable information, including, without limitation, your account name, information regarding your contacts, calendar events, and email correspondence. Providing these System Logs is voluntary, but if you do provide them to Apple, then you acknowledge that ...
Such System Logs may include personally identifiable information, including, without limitation, your account name, information regarding your contacts, calendar events, and email correspondence. Providing these System Logs is voluntary, but if you do provide them to Apple, then you acknowledge that ...
Such System Logs may include personally identifiable information, including, without limitation, your account name, information regarding your contacts, calendar events, and email correspondence. Providing these System Logs is voluntary, but if you do provide them to Apple, then you acknowledge that ...
Einen privaten Schlüssel für Media Services verwenden, um ein oder mehrere Token zu signieren Registrieren Sie eine Medienkennung für jede App, die die Apple Music-API, MusicKit oder ShazamKit verwendet. Erstellen und laden Sie einen privaten Schlüssel, für den MusicKit und/oder Shaz...