C:企业级:登录后的页面如下图:红色马赛克下方是:Apple Developer Enterprise Program,再下方,有People、Certificates,identifiers&Profiles两个图标,第一个图标邀请其他开发人员的入口,第二个图标是开发者证书、App ID和描述文件生成的入口。 对比: 1、个人(Individual): (1)费用:99美元每年 (2)App Store上架:是 只...
1. 登录http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/点击Enroll Now进入Continue,选择左边的New Apple Developer 下面的第一项 "I need to create a new account for an Apple Developer Program." 点击Continue; 2. 选择以个人形式或是公司形式申请注册,请以拼音的形式填写相关的真实信息; 3. Individual: 填写信用...
If you are a contract developer hired by an organization to develop proprietary in-house apps for their employees, and volume purchasing is offered in your region:You should enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an individual using the steps outlined above. The organization should create an ...
If you are a contract developer hired by an organization to develop proprietary in-house apps for their employees, and volume purchasing is offered in your region: You should enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an individual using the steps outlined above. ...
3. Individual: 填写信用卡帐单信息并将其提交进行支付购买; Company: 通过审核后,您将会收到Program License Agreement,细致阅读后若允许就可以填写信用卡帐单信息并将其提交进行支付购买。 4. 当您成功支付购买和激活您的帐号后,您就能够进入Provisioning Portal 測试您的应用程式, 通过測试后就能够将其放在iTunes ...
Apple individual program 加入之后的玩法 官方资源 0. 开发资源文档 0.1 开发文档:https://developer.apple.com/support/resources/index.html 0.2 开发工具 Xcode:https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode_Overview/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010215 ...
Hi everyone, I've been trying to sign up for Apple developer membership as an individual for days and I always get this message. For one or more reasons, your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed. Apple support could not help me and could not tell me the reas...
Developer Tools & Services Apple Developer Program Developer Program Obeid_s Created Sep ’20 Replies 3 Boosts 0 Views 794 Participants 3 Hi,i have been trying to register as Developer [ Individual / Sole Proprietor ] for Almost 3 months,and i got this message:Your enrollment in the...
创建Apple ID或者已经有就直接登录(创建Apple ID 这里就不讲了)顺带一提,Developer Program和Enterprise Program都想申请的话,是需要注册两个账号的,一个账号只能用于一个证书。4、注册了账号之后,需要选择账号类型。若是个人开发者,则选择第一项:“Individual / Sole Proprletor / Single Person Business”,公司...
Note: If the users select Individual / Sole Proprietor then a Note appears as shown in the following figure: Scroll down to Apple Developer Program License Agreement. The page appears as shown in the following figure: Select the checkbox, and agree to the license agreement. Click the Continue...