走进内饰,还是熟悉的设计,不过新增了皓白色的内饰颜色,新车标配Apple CarPlay和新一代LEXUS雷克萨斯智能安全系统LSS+ 3.0,虽然智能化比不上咱们国产的新能源车,但实用的配置还是有一些的。 动力方面,新车分为燃油版、插电混动版和油电混合版三种。具体来说,NX 260车型搭载2.5L自然吸气发动机,最大功率为203马力;NX...
配置方面,新车采用了防眩光工艺的14英寸中央液晶触控屏,标配Apple CarPlay和Baidu CarLife。全车共提供6个USB接口,前排新增2个Type-C快速充电接口。全系标配新一代LEXUS雷克萨斯智能安全系统LSS+ 3.0,提升了多种交通情况和行驶场景的识别能力。
借助CarPlay 车载,在车内的中控显示屏上就能实现获取导航路线、播放音乐等多种功能。而电子车钥匙让你用 iPhone 即可解锁并启动爱车。
进一步了解 CarPlay 车载 *CarPlay 车载支持在许多 2016 年及后续的新车型中作为标配或选配提供。部分制造商为旧款车型提供了软件更新服务。某些车型可能仅在特定配置下才支持 CarPlay 车载或车钥匙功能,而且某些车型仅在部分国家或地区有售。CarPlay 车载支持情况可能会有所变化。请联系经销商了解详情。
It has several functions including MP3 playback, support for 3G and 4G networks, steering wheel control, voice control, built-in speaker/microphone, and more. It also supports Carplay and Android Auto. Is it compatible with my device? It is compatible with Lexus LX570 models from years 2008...
Lexus select vehicles from 2013- model years Volkswagen MIB / MIB 2 head unit, etc... Read more Wireless CarPlay/Android Auto/Mirroing OE interface-NEW Gen. C3 apple carplay adapter wireless C3 CarPlay, faster and smarter. Fits BMW CIC / NBT / NBT-EVO, ...
what our customers say jamesfr iinstalled in my lexus lx. the installation was easy, and adding the pc board to the original screen was straightforward. the unit is small and fits nicely above the factory stereo. works great! adamc3046 easy to install. great customer service—quick responses...
what our customers say jamesfr iinstalled in my lexus lx. the installation was easy, and adding the pc board to the original screen was straightforward. the unit is small and fits nicely above the factory stereo. works great! adamc3046 easy to install. great customer service—quick responses...
what our customers say jamesfr iinstalled in my lexus lx. the installation was easy, and adding the pc board to the original screen was straightforward. the unit is small and fits nicely above the factory stereo. works great! adamc3046 easy to install. great customer service—quick responses...
5. Lexus Lexus offers Apple CarPlay in all of its standard andhybrid modelsthat were released in or after 2019, with just five 2018 models supporting the technology. So, if you own a Lexus, there's a chance it doesn't support Apple CarPlay, as the manufacturer has only been offering ...