Boot Camp Unified Driver R6.3 for Windows 10 Display Driver AMD Radeon Settings* Previous Drivers Release Notes *By clicking the "Download" button, you are confirming that you have read and agree to be bound by theEnd User License Agreement. Your download will...
Oct 24, 2016 10:16 AM in response to RoamingTexan Create a Windows System Restore point. Download BC drivers using BC Assistant to a USB Flash drive, switch to OSX and run setup.exe from Bootcamp folder. Test. If you run into any issues, roll back to the Restore point. Reply User...
Bootcamp on external drive, drivers not working I've installed windows on an external drive and it loads up when I try and log in into it, I've opened the windows support folder and ran bootcamp to install the drivers but after it restarts the driver still don't work (Trackpad, Keyboar... 解压下载到的BootCamp5.0.5033.zip文件,因为版本的不同,可能你下载的不是这个文件名,比如版本号不同。找到解压后的相对路径BootCamp\Drivers\Apple里的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe以管理员账号运行,用户账户控制功能可能询问“你要允许来自未知发布者的此应用对你的设备...
苹果MacBook Pro笔记本Windows系统BootCamp驱动。 版本号:6.1.7748 支持的系统:Windows 10 64位。 适用机型: MacBook Pro(16 英寸,2019) 机型标识符:MacBookPro16,1 部件号:MVVJ2xx/A、MVVK2xx/A、MVVL2xx/A、MVVM2xx/A 注意:机器型号请在Mac系统下关于本机或者系统信息查看,也可以通过产品序列号在苹果官网...
苹果MacBook Pro笔记本Windows系统BootCamp驱动。 版本号:6.1.7931。 支持的系统:Windows 10 64位。 适用机型: MacBook Pro(13 英寸,2020,两个Thunderbolt 3 端口) MacBook Pro(13 英寸,2020,四个Thunderbolt 3 端口) 具体型号如下: MacBook Pro16,3 ...
Bootcamp Win10 problems with HDR, keys, and trackpad I'm on a MBP 16" 2019 with HDR 10. latest Apple/AMD drivers don't enable HDR mode under Windows 10. Is there a monitor profile that Apple can provide/install? trackpad stutters in M2 chip during high cpu usage...
经过一番查找,我找到了问题的关键——苹果官方驱动Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5769。解压驱动文件,将AppleWirelessMouse64目录下的内容安装到BootCamp\Drivers\Apple中,一切似乎有了转机。随着驱动的正确安装,Magic Mouse的滚动功能终于重获新生。进阶玩家的秘籍 对于追求极致体验的用户,Magic Utilities...
苹果官方驱动,解压出的文件定位到BootCamp\Drivers\Apple\AppleWirelessMouse64 傻瓜式安装,安装即可正常使用了 进阶使用 一般来说,安装以上驱动后即可正常使用,高阶的玩家开发出Magic Utilities,可以利用控制台来让鼠标使用起来更加平滑,滚动更加自然,但是需要付费,有28天的试用版,可免费使用28天,之后按年收费,有兴趣的朋...
以下用户的用户个人资料: BigNoseDog BigNoseDog作者 用户级别:级别 1 4 积分 ...