爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,ai,icns,ico,svg 格式的阅读, 书, 教育类, 苹果, 书, 知识, 学习图标(Reading, book, education, apple, books, knowledge, learning icon), 本站编号47450682, 该图标库素材大小为15k, 该素材已被下载:668次,许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC...
Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.
商标品牌图标(Logo-brand-icons) 50款 阅读, 书, 教育类, 苹果, 书, 知识, 学习图标(Reading, book, education, apple, books, knowledge, learning icon) 苹果应用程序图标集(Apple Apps icon set) 17款 扁平卡通风乐高水果元素-苹果 美食元素
在iPad、iPhone、Mac 或 iCloud.com 网站上通过 Pages 文稿直接将你的图书发布到 Apple Books。 借助Pages 文稿,你可以创建图书,然后将它直接发布到Apple Books中的商店中。你可以在发布过程中对图书进行自定义,比如:添加封面、设定价格或免费提供、添加标记以指定年龄组或主题、设置预购、按日期和国家或地区自定义提...
Other applications(Calibre, Thorium Reader...) support media overlay even if the rendtion:layout is set to reflowable. Why not Apple book? Apple Books only support media overlay on "pre-paginated". CommunityApple DevelopersDesignMedia Player ...
Removed asset specifications for books (a new iBooks Store asset guide has been created). Renamed this asset guide to: iTunes Video and Audio Asset Guide. November 5, 2010 - Version 4.5 Clarified surround sound for HD music video audio source profile. Clarified delivery of HD source for musi...
and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted. I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is ...
Binary file added BIN +2.89 KB Apple-clone/images/logo.png Loading Viewer requires iframe. Binary file added BIN +176 KB Apple-clone/images/section-1.1.jpg Unable to render rich display Invalid image source. Binary file added BIN +163 KB Apple-clone/images/section-1.2.jpg Loading ...
Why does Apple Books not support media overlay for reflowable epub files? Other applications(Calibre, Thorium Reader...) support media overlay even if the rendtion:layout is set to reflowable. Why not Apple book? Apple Books only support media overlay on "pre-paginated". ...
Iphone - White Apple Logo - CleanPNG / KissPNG Stacked books and an apple vector illustration isolated on white ... Variety of Apples Clip Art – Whimsy Clips Incase Woolenex Key Clip für AirTag – Grau - Apple (DE) Premium Vector | Red apple with leaf watercolor clip art hand .....