We’re looking for games that redefine games. If you’re working on a groundbreaking, unreleased game and would like it to be considered for Apple Arcade, we’d love to hear from you. Learn more aboutApple Arcade Resources Dive into learning how to build your first game — or deliver inc...
Apple Arcade 游戏在不同设备上的提供情况 200 多款游戏在不同设备上的提供情况因硬件和软件兼容性而异。某些内容可能仅在部分地区提供。以下游戏仅在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上提供。 A Slight Chance of Sawblades+ Backgammon+ Battleheart Legacy+ Blek+ Bloons TD Battles 2+ Bold Moves+ Checkers Royal...
Apple is fairly confident that once you try a handful of the games that are being created exclusively for Apple Arcade that you’ll want to keep coming back. That’s why they’re giving everyone a one-month free trial of the service. To sign up for the trial, enter Apple Arcade from ...
从Apple Arcade 尝试建立的横跨苹果全平台的游戏生态背后,我们既能看到微软 Xbox Live 的影子,也能看到任天堂 Switch 游戏机的理念,虽然没有 Xbox、PlayStation 服务那样硬核,也没有 Nintendo Switch 服务那样丰富的游戏资源,但依托于全球 14 亿活跃设备,9 亿 iPhone 用户的庞大基础,它的简单、精致、价格低廉依然能...
Apple Arcade Wylde Flowers 舒适,魔法生活模拟 查看 We loved building a second life—and casting powerful spells—in this remarkably diverse world. —App Store Editors Although you’re a farmer first and foremost inWylde Flowers—mining for resources, fishing for food, and magically manipulating time...
Apple Arcade is a game subscription service that gives customers unlimited access to a growing collection of over 200 premium games on the App Store.
List of games that are also available on Apple Arcade.最近评测 热销商品 新品 折扣 评测类型 全部76 推荐0 情报型76 不推荐0 筛选查看: 全部76 休闲29 冒险39 动作25 独立42 依偏好缩小范围 隐藏忽略项目 隐藏我库中的项目 结果可能会根据您的将某些产品排除在外。 ¥ 58.00 情报型 2022 年 ...
这是一款类似《塞尔达》的动作冒险游戏,游戏中来自Uncharted Seas的怪物,将成为Apple Arcade的一部分。 芬兰开发商Cornfox和Bros透露了《Oceanhorn 2: Knights Of The Lost Realm(海之号角2:失落王国骑士)》这款游戏中的一部分,在游戏中的神秘世界盖亚,它似乎提供了更多的魔法,剑术,地牢和开放世界探索与一大堆故事以...
You can play downloaded Apple Arcade games on your Mac even when you’re not connected to the Internet. From the Applications folder or from the Launchpad, click the game you want to play. To quit a game, press Command-Q. To delete a game from your Mac, Mac, press Command-Q, open...
其中最吸引大家眼球的是一项名为Apple Arcade的服务。这是一项基于订阅的服务,允许用户下载和游玩它提供的任何游戏,每月收费10美元。这些游戏可以在iOS,macOS和Apple TV上游玩并且这些游戏也可以下载离线游玩。这项服务不是像即将推出的Google Stadia那样的云端媒体平台,而是像Xbox Game Pass的Apple版本,并且适用于Apple...