I have made the guidline for app icons for apple vission os. How to make the icons look 3D. So how can you design a great icon? All app icons can have up to three layers, a background layer and up to two foreground layers on top. Use multiple layers. Use flat layers, shadows an...
A unique, memorable icon communicates the purpose and personality of your app or game and can help people recognize your product at a glance in the App Store and on their devices.
我这里修改了一下icon 引入一些协议隐私啥的 然后拍了一个视频 发过去 告诉他们 如果还有问题 请详细告知 ,目前在等通知AppReview:一如即往的被拒了 这一次 我重新换了icon 以及对应的发布图,并且查了一下项目中关于违规的问题,我把代码精简化之后,重新提交了一个版本...
As a reminder,Guideline 2.3.8requires that use of terms like “For Kids” and “For Children” in app metadata is reserved for the Kids Category. Apps not in the Kids Category cannot include any terms in app name, subtitle, icon, screenshots or description that imply the main audience for...
Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We'll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components,materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that are fam...
在App Review guidelines 4.3(a)中了解更多关于我们防止垃圾邮件的要求。以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景 逐句对照 解决方案: 更换bundle ID 整体页面调整 颜色 布局全部调整(相当于改了一个需求,功能相同,实现不不同) 更换所有的icon
And even if it was, you can't use it in your app icon. The Human Interface Guidelines says: You may not use SF Symbols — or glyphs that are substantially or confusingly similar — in your app icons, logos, or any other trademark-related use. Apple reserves the right to review and,...
- Make sure the app icon and and the large icon displayed on the App Store are up to date and the same. - The description of your app in App Store Connect must be substantial: describe the content of your application and its purpose. Don't advertise your company/ brand/ event/ concept...
https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/foundations/app-icons "On most platforms, the system applies a mask that automatically adjusts icon corners to match the platform’s aesthetic. For example, watchOS automatically applies a circular mask. The exception is macOS: Although ...
1. App Icon watchOS app icon 呈圆形。Apple Watch 的屏幕尺寸相对较小,因此在设计图标时需要确保图标元素在较小尺寸下仍然清晰可辨。 为了确保图标不会与显示背景融合在一起,建议避免使用纯黑色作为图标的背景。若仍需要使用纯黑色,则可以尝试添加描边。