Apple tvOS 18 面向Apple 开发者的新功能 探索并充分利用各个 Apple 平台上更多的全新或改进技术,打造迄今为止最出色的 App。 Apple Developer Program 加入Apple DeveloperProgram,通过 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch、Apple TV和Apple Vision Pro 版App Store触及全球的顾客。你也将能利用 Beta 版软件、高级 App ...
Join the Apple Developer Program to reach customers around the world on the App Store for all Apple platforms. Membership provides the tools, resources, and support you need to develop and distribute apps and games, including access to app services, testing tools, app analytics, and more. ...
1.创建开发证书Certificates 这里的证书分两种,一种是开发证证书development,一种是发布证书distribution,在Certificates下最多可以创建2个开发证书2个发布证书,下面来说说怎么创建这两个证书,点击右上角的+号进入如下页面,会让你选择是创建开发证书还是发布证书 这里选择开发证书,点击Continue 进入下一步: 这个页面是创建...
Connect with fellow developers and Apple experts as you give and receive help on a wide variety of development topics, from implementing new technologies to established best practices
Browse the latest documentation including API reference, articles, and sample code. Read documentation Videos Learn about the latest technologies presented at Apple developer events. Watch videos Forums Ask questions and discuss development topics with Apple engineers and other developers. View forums...
Browse the latest documentation including API reference, articles, and sample code. Read documentation Videos Learn about the latest technologies presented at Apple developer events. Watch videos Forums Ask questions and discuss development topics with Apple engineers and other developers. View forums...
As such, the answers below are offered only as an illustration, and customers should consult with their development teams to ensure they are accurately answering Apple’s questions. 1. Data Use Apple advises App Store Developers to “have a clear understanding of how each data type is used by...
首先先下载一个bundletool工具,下载地址,当 bundletool 从 app bundle 生成 APK 时,它会将这些 APK 纳入到一个名为“APK set archive”的容器中,该容器以 .apks 作为文件扩展名。这里的话主要是bundletool使用对应的命令来生成Apks。 java -jar bundletool-all-1.7.0.jar build-apks ...
Connect with fellow developers and Apple experts as you give and receive help on a wide variety of development topics, from implementing new technologies to established best practices
Planning your iOS app If you’re new to iPhone software development, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the tools and technologies you’ll use. Apple provides everything you need to get started, and iOS technologies help you get the features and performance you want from your apps. ...