因苹果开发者协议更新,必须主账号同意开发者协议后,才可以继续提交app进行审核。如图: 111.png 步骤一、同意开发者协议 打开网址https://developer.apple.com/account/ 登录账号后,进入Account界面,点击【Review Agreement】按钮 222.png 勾选同意协议,并点击【I Agree】,弹框消息后,橙色的提示框消失,即OK。
For clarity, this Agreement supersedes the iOS Developer Program License Agreement (including any attachments, Schedule 1 and any exhibits thereto), the Safari Extensions Digital Signing Agreement, the Safari Extensions Gallery Submission Agreement, and the Mac Developer Program License Agreement.“App Int...
1、登录https://developer.apple.com。点击左侧“Membership”,点击最下方的“Transfer Team Agent Role”。选择已经添加到该项目中的成员,一路确认即可。(这个成员必须是4.20号之前已经添加过电话信息) 2、登录步骤一选择的成员账号,去Review Agreement后,即可操作账号和操作APP状态 个人开发者账号操作: https://jingy...
簽署Apple Developer Program 許可協議後,你即可參與 Apple Developer Program,並在 App Store 上發佈免費 App。 若要在 App Store 銷售你的 App 或提供 App 內購買項目,「帳號持有人」必須簽署《Paid Apps Agreement》(付費 App 協議)。
Hello, Can you please tell me why I can’t accept the developer agreement?I have a valid application, but I can’t publish a new application, it says that there is a new agreement and needs to be updated, but when I log in, it says that I’m sorry, you can’t register at the...
Program License Agreement updated The 'Apple Developer Program License Agreement' has been updated. In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept the latest license agreement. 点了OK没有反映,网上找了一下说是因为浏览器问题,因为国内网速不好,有一个协议同意界面没有出来,所以这样。。
Developer account not active yet 3h Design Explore the art and science of app design. Discuss user interface (UI) design principles, user experience (UX) best practices, and share design resources and inspiration. General Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT. Type: Erro...
Apple_Developer_Program_License_Agreement_20181019(苹果开发者计划许可协议) 《开发者计划许可协议》是苹果审核&监督应用、管理开发者账号的重要依据。如果违反,轻则审核被拒,修改后重新提审;重则整个应用直接下架。所以,每个iOS开发人员都应该自习研读此文档,否则掉到坑里都不知道。
you must accept the latest license agreement. First, you’ll need to update the mobile phone number associated with your Apple ID. Your mobile phone number must be based in your country/region. Edit this number in the Account section of appleid.apple.com, and return to your developer accoun...
ThisContractconstitutestheentireagreementbetweenthePartiesandsupersedesallprioragreementsandunderstandings,whetherwrittenororal,betweentheParties. INWITNESSWHEREOF,thePartieshaveexecutedthisSoftwareDevelopmentContractasoftheEffectiveDate. Developer:[Developer’sName] By:___ Title: Client:[Client’sName] By:___ Title...