MacBook Pro 标志着苹果公司正式进入英特尔处理器的新时代,极大拓展了苹果电脑的市场,也为后来的 M1 芯片 MacBook Pro 转型积淀了经验。 ▍2007 年 Windows 版本 Safari 这一年,乔布斯用经典的 iPod、Safari 和 Phone 的 Keynote 宣告了 iPhone 时代的来临。而在同一年,为了抢占市场的份额,在当年的 WWDC 的活动...
苹果宣布 Apple II 将于 4 月份在旧金山展会上瞄准业余爱好市场,将当时最主流的媒体渠道都制定了投放策略,有 Apple II 说明书,展会广告牌,产品小册子,直邮广告,货架物料,logo设计。 苹果logo的设计有个小故事。RMI 营销代理公司艺术总监 Rob Janov 按乔布斯的阐述的理念,简化了苹果的 logo,“我想简化苹果的形状,...
Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.
一块玻璃价值百万,Apple Store 才是苹果最美的硬件 上周日,在法国巴黎香榭丽舍大道上,苹果的第 506 家 Apple Store 正式开业,不过第一眼你看你可能认不出来。 因为这是一栋奥斯曼时代的古老建筑,而且外墙上也没有苹果标志,只有一面印有苹果 Logo 白旗悬挂在街角。建筑内部也没有采用经典的水磨石地板,而是保留了颇...
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, Distiller, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or other countries. Beats, the b logo, Beats Flex, Beats Studio, Beats Solo, Beats Solo Pro, BeatsX, Pow...
“look and feel” of its operating system, although the Mac OS itself drew upon Xerox’s PARC GUI. Meanwhile, as successive versions of Windows improved and competition among multiplePCmanufacturers led to greater innovation and lower prices, fewer consumers were willing to pay the premium Apple ...
Current Web browsers used in "surfing the Internet" are mere passive windows, depriving the user of the possibility to contribute. During some sessions in the CERN cafeteria, Tim and I try to find a catching name for the system. I was determined that the name should not yet again be ...
Creating an Apple ID is also possible on a Windows PC and on the web, so basically, you can make an Apple ID on any of your devices. We have specific tutorials for creating an Apple ID on each device below. How to create an Apple ID on iPhone or iPad ...
Windows 10, after the windows logo, the display screen immediately turn black. If you use a flash light and point close to the screen, you could still see your windows desktop icon/mouse cursor on a very dark display. If i attach a second monitor, the windows 10 desktop will be visible...
master 1Branch 0Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Apple Open Source and opensource-apple Version 1153.18 Sep 11, 2015 3cc41a7·Sep 11, 2015 History 42 Commits Examples Version 1151.16 Sep 11, 2015 ...