以下用户的用户个人资料: superwave13 superwave13作者 用户级别:级别 1 4 积分 ...
用户级别:级别 1 6 积分
When I pair and try to connect my AirPods Pro 2nd Generation to my Windows 10 HP Laptop, the pairing goes okay, and it tries to connect, but under "Paige's AirPods Pro" the word "Connected" is solid, but "music, voice" are flashing back and forth. I know they look solid in the...
AirPods Bluetooth Connect to Windows 10 Device I was successfully able to pair my AirPods to my Windows 10 device (Surface laptop), but when click "Connect", it only stays connected for about 10 seconds before disconnecting. I've tried removing and repairing the AirPods multiple times, but no...
我6.1在宁波的天一apple直营店补买了一只AirPodspro左耳, 当天天才吧的人员告诉我两只放在盒子里,关上盒子一起充。当闪白灯即配对成功。#AirPods#我试了两天都不成功,后来发现两只固件版本不同,新补的那只版本新,试了贴吧和网上的方法都没用,我就问了售后,售后告诉我如图的方法!我自己试了一次也没用,我还是不...
如果AirPods 或 AirPods Pro 无法连接到 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac,请尝试再次将 AirPods 与设备配对。将iPhone、iPad 或Mac 更新到最新版本的 iOS、iPadOS 或 macOS。 将两只 AirPods 都放入充电盒并确保两只 AirPods 都在充电。 确保蓝牙已打开: 在iPhone 或 iPad 上,前往”设置”>“蓝牙”。 在Mac 上,选取苹果...
AppleAirPodsPro主动降噪无线蓝牙耳机 ¥2399 去购买 2、音质一般 Airpods pro 采用了入耳式设计,一代和二代相比加入了降噪功能,然而这些都无法使它的音质有质的改变,先说高音,我觉得真的很一般,低音的话与一代和二代区别不大,如果你是一位音乐爱好者,又觉得新款的耳机采用了入耳设计,音质上会有较大的提升,那么...
thinh191 This worked for me: Go to start ->Run ->MMSYS.CPL select Playback tab ->then select the airpods pro (highlight) ->and click properties In the 'headphones' properties dialog box --> select Enhancement tab --> select Loudness Equalization (tick mark) ...
thinh191 This worked for me: Go to start ->Run ->MMSYS.CPL select Playback tab ->then select the airpods pro (highlight) ->and click properties In the 'headphones' properties dialog box --> select Enhancement tab --> select Loudness Equalization (tick mark) ...
AirPods Pro 2 Now with a Hearing Aid feature.2 Learn moreBuy Apple Card Get up to 3% Daily Cash back with every purchase. Learn moreApply now Watch now Strength with Gregg Listen now Rap Life Watch now 6 Weeks to Restart Your Fitness ...