首先,改名可以「统一品牌标识和名称」。阿果已经在其他地方,比如iOS上充值后显示的是「Apple Account Balance」,也就是「苹果账户余额」。Apple ID改成Apple Account,也有助于用户从普通人的直觉出发,理解账户和资金之间的关系。图源:网络 其次,改名也有利于「降低用户认知成本」。喏,目前苹果旗下关于「ID」的...
Spend any balance remaining on your Apple ID. If you're not sure whether you have a balance, check your Apple Account balance. Cancel your subscriptions and wait until the end of the subscription period. Wait for any memberships, pre-orders, movie rentals, or Season Passes to complete, ...
How to empty my Apple account balance? can you empty my balance [Re-Titled by Moderator] 2 years ago 655 1 Empty account balance i want to empty my apple account balance 2 years ago 302 1 How to empty Apple account balance How to empty Apple account balance 2 years ago 253 2...
Apple Acco..我有个美区的苹果号,用了6年多了,一直没有问题。有美国电话号,且绑定美区贝包和visa。最近我计划在官网购买一个充电器。最后失败,且完成余额锁定。显示:Your Account Balance is
Checking account balances func accountBalances(query: AccountBalanceQuery) async throws -> [AccountBalance] Returns a list of balances that meet the criteria in the provided account query. func accountBalanceHistory(forAccountID: UUID, since: FinanceStore.HistoryToken?, isMonitoring: Bool) -> Financ...
A structure that defines an account balance query. iOS 17.4+ iPadOS 17.4+ Mac Catalyst 17.4+ struct AccountBalanceQuery Overview Use an AccountBalanceQuery to find and filter specific balances in a person’s accounts. Topics Initializers init(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor<AccountBalance>], predic...
要从App Store 购买 App、使用 iCloud+ 和 Apple Music 等 Apple 订阅,或从 Apple 购买其他媒体,你需要一个 Apple ID 和有效的付款方式。查看你所在的国家或地区接受哪些付款方式。 如果无法完成购买,或者无法更新 App(包括免费 App),你需要更新付款方式或添加新的付款方式。如果你已经确认某种付款方式在你所在国...
If you haven’t added a bank account, you’re asked to enter and confirm a routing number and an account number. Select one of the recurring payment types: Pay My Bill:Pay your entire monthly balance on a specific date every month. ...
Can I check my card balance? Does it cost extra to use Apple Pay? Can I use Apple Pay abroad? How can my business accept Apple Pay? Does my business need any special equipment to accept Apple Pay? How do I let my customers know I accept Apple Pay?
Faster and easier than using cards or cash. Pay in full, over time, or with your card’s rewards. Privacy and security built in. Apple Pay is accepted on millions of websites and apps.It’s ready and set. Just go. Set up in seconds. Right on your iPhone. Apple Pay is ...