If that is all ok then I put in a fresh SSD and install windows 10 clean and then install all updates and then the boot camp drivers. I used windows disc to format both drives and install the OS. I will check that stuff out tonight. But there is no difference in the install from...
MACBOOKPRO A1278完美声卡、无线网卡驱动,此驱动完美解决了苹果笔记本安装WINDOWS7后没有声音的问题和无线网卡连接不上的问题 上传者:nanj时间:2021-11-26 macbook air 2013版无线网卡驱动 for Win7 32位 苹果麦金塔macbookair2013网卡驱动是一个很实用的电脑驱动软件,可以帮助用户快速解决电脑无法正常上网的问题,欢...