appActivity automationName 一般写代码脚本需要以下基本参数(本人测安卓机) platformName udid(这个是唯一设备 id) deviceName(名字可以随便填写) appPackage appActivity 至于noReset 这个参数可以设置,接收布尔值,表示测试用例执行完后 app 的 session 信息是否被清除,如果是真,则下一个用例运行时候可以还是保持登录状态 ...
可以通过 capabilities 中的"udid"字段来指定设备的UDID。 python 示例 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 ## 并不能唯一确定一个设备 caps["appium:deviceName"] = "emulator-5554" ## 可以唯一确定一个设备 caps["udid"] = "hogwarts001" newCommandTimeout appium 可以设置程序应等待...
If you have been using Appium at your localhost on a real device, switching to Testdroid Cloud is fairly easy. All you need to do is make two changes in your TestScript. If you haven’t been, heres a little introduction how Appium works. You start Appium Server instance on you machine ...
Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device. 解决方法:Desired Capabilities中加入xcodeOrgId,也就是teamid。
[XCUITest] Setting up real device [WebDriverAgent] No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found [DevCon Factory] Requesting connection for device 7d51c5c5df6bcd4cb5606a066074658b311cf4d5 on local port 8100, device port 8100 ...
Desired Capabilities常用键值对介绍: automationName:使用哪种自动化引擎。appium(默认)还是Selendroid。 platformName:平台的名称,iOS,Android,FirefoxOS platformVersion:移动设备的系统版本号,7.1,4.4 deviceName:设备名称,Android:可随意填写;IOS:instruments -s devices ...
其中包括get_uri()和get_desired_capabilities()2个函数。 示例代码 #!/usr/bin/env pythonimportsys defget_desired_capabilities(): desired_caps = {'platformName':'iOS','platformVersion':'10.0','deviceName':'iPhone 6s','udid':'36317c0f81086d7f4f99a9771179720b7962a2ad','realDeviceLogger':'/...
skipDeviceInitialization": True } # 初始化 driver self.driver = webdriver.Remote( "", options=UiAutomator2Options().load_capabilities(caps) ) # 添加隐式等待 self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) def test_ele_oper(self): ''' 点击滑动条中心位置 :return: ''' # 点击 ...
Important Real Device Capabilities udid: The unique device id. systemPort: Set a unique system port number for each parallel session. Otherwise you might get a port conflict such as in this issue. chromedriverPort: The unique chromedriver port if testing web views or Chrome. mjpegServerPort: ...