Appium Inspector v2024.12.1Supported by Appium Pro and HeadSpin. Contribute on GitHub.
然后 appium server 就会在启动时按照指定参数自动根据设定的参数开启 session 。这样你就能直接使用 Inspector 工具了。 附录 为了方便大家后面出错后查错,附上正常 Launch 后能直接打开 Inspector 查看元素时的所有 log(均使用模拟器)。 iOS 模拟器: Launching Appium with command: '/Applications/
and tried following capabilities { "platformName": "iOS", "appium:platformVersion": "14.0", "appium:deviceName": "iPhone 12", "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "appium:app_url": "" } The problem ...
The browser version of the Inspector needs to make requests to the Appium server directly from the browser via JavaScript, but these requests are typically not made to the same host (for example, the Inspector is accessed at, whereas your local Appium Server is localhost:4723)....
桌面app,下载链接 Appium 1.22版本之前都附带了Inspector 工具,入口在打开之后的搜索图标里(如下图),新版的inspector已经和Appium server不在一起了,需要单独安装。 web应用,由Appium Pro托管。直接打开网页就可以 https://inspector./ ...
Appium Inspector: 用来在手机/模拟器上定位元素,获取坐标或者xpath。建议下载最新版本。 IDE:Pycharm 什么?要安装这么多东西,看样子要劝退不少人吧。其实没有那么难,我自己亲测有效,跟着本文一步一步操作你也可以跑通流程。 JDK JDK的安装不是本文的重点,本文忽略安装细节,不会的可以移步参考章节。JDK安装好了以...
元素定位方式 第一种:通过Appium1.6的Inspector来查看 具体安装方式前面的随笔已经介绍了: 可以通过定位找到元素xpath或name 个人不推荐用这个方法,实际操作中发现,每次操作后点击刷新比较
Integrate Appium Inspector Important:If your App Live test session is inactive for longer than the setidle timeoutwhile using Appium Inspector, you are logged out of the session. On the Appium Inspector interface, a 404 error is displayed if you refresh the source after being logged out of th...
转自Appium pro We’ve discussed before how touse Appium to automate Windows desktop apps, but of course it’s also possible to use Windows as the host environment for traditional mobile testing with Appium. It is not, unfortunately, possible to automate iOS simulators on Windows, because iOS ...
I found the AXPath strings generated by AppiumForMac to be pretty long. Make sure to organize your test so common parts of the string can be reused. I also removed many of the predicates since they were too-specific and not necessary. ...