CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a2e8f11fdf7c appium/appium "/bin/sh -c '/root/w…" 7 minutes ago Up 19 seconds 4567/tcp,>4723/tcp appium 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 此时,我们就可以利用docker容器内的adb服务进行操作了: docker exec -it appium ...
Appium和模拟器环境butomo大神已经搞好Docker镜像,我们拉下来就好了,我们只需要执行业务逻辑相关的东西就可以. 以下是butomo大神的镜像GitHub,不稳定的传送门: 正片开始 首先是拉镜像 寻找自己要拉的镜像版本: 红框Image代表:不同安卓版本的镜像名 橘色框代表:控制真机的镜像名 绿色框代表:控制genymotion的镜像名(genym...
因为在Docker中,我们直接执行run命令,镜像不存在它会直接帮我们拉,所以我们可以直接执行run命令,就可以了 docker run --privileged -d -p 6080:6080 -p 5554:5554 -p 5555:5555 -e DEVICE="Nexus 5" --name android-container butomo1989/docker-android-x86-7.1.1 1. 在上边这条指令中: DEVICE:设备型号...
docker pull appium/appium 查看镜像: liuyue@DESKTOP-NVU6CCV MINGW32 ~$docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE appium/appium latest 70f3d328b9496weeks ago1.55GB 紧接着启动容器: docker run--privileged-d -p4723:4723--name appium appium/appium 这里我们启动Appium容器,端口映射到4723,privi...
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE appium/appium latest 70f3d328b949 6 weeks ago 1.55GB 紧接着启动容器: docker run --privileged -d -p 4723:4723 --name appium appium/appium 这里我们启动Appium容器,端口映射到4723,privileged参数让其具备root权限,-d后台执行。
docker pull appium/appium 查看镜像: liuyue@DESKTOP-NVU6CCV MINGW32 ~ $ docker images REPOSITORYTAGIMAGEID CREATED SIZE appium/appium latest70f3d328b9496weeks ago1.55GB 紧接着启动容器: docker run--privileged-d -p4723:4723--nameappium appium/appium ...
This docker image is designed to run onLinuxsystems, may not work onWindows. You will need at least25GBper build. Build instructions You can build your Docker image running the Dockerfile with the following command: $ docker build -t agomezmoron/docker-appium . && docker rmi -f $(docker...
Appium Docker for iOS This repository contains the scripts used to build the quamotion/appium-docker-ios Docker image. It contains all the software required to build and run Appium with real, physical iOS devices on Linux. The Docker image includes software from Quamotion which make it possible ...
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE appium/appium latest 70f3d328b949 6 weeks ago 1.55GB 紧接着启动容器: docker run --privileged -d -p 4723:4723 --name appium appium/appium 这里我们启动Appium容器,端口映射到4723,privileged参数让其具备root权限,-d后台执行。
liuyue@DESKTOP-NVU6CCVMINGW32~$ docker imagesREPOSITORYTAGIMAGEIDCREATEDSIZEappium/appium latest 70f3d328b9496weeks ago1.55GB 紧接着启动容器: 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker run--privileged-d-p4723:4723--name appium appium/appium 这里我们启动Appium容器,端口映射到4723,privileged参数让其具备root权限,...