appium测试Cannot start the ‘XXX‘ application报错,无法打开app,文章目录通过adblogcat抓取,能正常抓取到app包名和app启动后的activity,如果保证抓取正确,再看有没有报权限不足的异常,如果有那就是权限不足了,需要开发给打开的界面给一个export权限,可是这个权限
appium+python3+真机做自动化测试,连接手机成功后执行自动化代码,执行打开APP的代码时报错,提示信息如下: Cannot start the 'XXX' application. Visit for troubleshooting. Original error: The permission t...
2019-12-18 17:41 − swipe Appium使用滑动操作用到了swipe方法,定义如下: swipe(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=None) 从一个点滑动到另外一个点 start_x 是开... bug无处不在 0 2204 The "web.xml" is called web application deployment descriptor 2019-12-23 17:41 ...
在打开appium-desktop程序,点击inspector功能,填写app的配置信息,启动服务提示如下: 报错信息: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot start the 'cc.knowyourself.kymeditation' application. Visit
很有可能是你找到的Activity并不正确,导致启动时无法启动。 Failedto create session.Anunknown server-side error occurredwhileprocessing the command.Originalerror:Cannotstart the'com.***'application.Visit
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The instrumentation process cannot be initialized. Make sure the application under test does not crash and investigate the logcat output. ...
appium真机,设置appPackage为第三方应用报错:Cannot start the 'com.netease.snailread' application 霍格沃兹答疑区 done, appium lin (lin) 2020 年4 月 13 日 14:38 1 image1636×869 59.2 KB _AD (霍格沃兹_AD) 2020 年4 月 13 日 15:27 2 我看...
[ADB] Cannot extract apk info using apkanalyzer. Falling back to aapt. Original error: Could not find ‘apkanalyzer.bat’ in [“D:\Program Files (x86)\Android-SDK\androidsdk\platform-tools\apkanalyzer.bat”,“D:\Program Files (x86)\Android-SDK\androidsdk\emulator\apkanalyzer.bat”,“D:\...
Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot start the ‘’ application. Visit troubleshooting. Original error: Cannot start the ‘’ application...
Appium (many users in the company having this problem after installing 1.17.1) couldn't start session with the error: Android: [debug] [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: Error: The instrumentation process cannot be initialized within 30000ms timeout. Make sure the application under...