Appendix I: Nursing-home acquired pneumonia The committee for The Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines in management of respiratory infections. Respirology 2004; 9 : S51S55 关键词: LONG-term care facilities PNEUMONIA NURSING home patients NURSING home care OLDER people -- Care HEALTH facilities DO...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the incidence of visualization of the normal appendix on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of the pelvis... P Nikolaidis,N Hammond,J Marko,... - 《Emergency Radiology》 被引量: 2731发表: 2006年 Production, Growth and Business Cycles: Techni...
Though the nexus is mult ifaceted and arg u a bly embedded in e nvironmental sciences, it is not necessari ly made explicit and this is c l e a rly an area for deve l o p m e n t . A d d i t i o n a l ly, the growing strength of the professional bodies and ...
The method of [7] to obtain the uniform estimate in the case of locally flat hypercomplex structure was heavily based on the Blocki's method [15] of the proof of the uniform estimate in the complex Calabi–Yau theorem. The proof of Theorem 1.1.13 in the current paper is heavily based ...
α is a constant term, and β, γ1, and φ1 are coefficients on the previously described variables that appear in the conditional variance expression. The time periods for all data sets are as stated in the original paper. rt = µ + ρrt−1 + µMonDMon,t + µT axDT ax,t ...
SJH Hoofnagle - 《Clinics in Liver Disease》 被引量: 329发表: 2003年 Data Appendix for The Long-Term Effects of Africa's Slave Trades To construct estimates of the number of slaves from each country shipped during Africa's four slave trades, I rely on two kinds of data. The first kind...
SJH Hoofnagle - 《Clinics in Liver Disease》 被引量: 329发表: 2003年 Data Appendix for The Long-Term Effects of Africa's Slave Trades To construct estimates of the number of slaves from each country shipped during Africa's four slave trades, I rely on two kinds of data. The first kind...
Unlike the results reported for our eight-country sample in the paper, the mean unlevered All-Firms return of 7.1% is equal to the levered UK mean return. The annualized standard deviation of 12.4%, however, is less than half the standard deviation of levered returns. Thus, greater ...
It is used by the vendor-supplied printer driver plug-in. wVer (2 bytes): The value 0x0010. dwX (4 bytes): The width in 1/1000th millimeter units of the custom paper size. This field is used only if the dmPaperSize field of _DEVMODE is set to 0x7FFF. dwY (4 bytes): The ...
2. Writing Paperand Example A paper is to be written for solving problems in research and practices, which shows the author’s ideas. Often it presents some applications in research and practices. It is an important form of idea and results of communication. Therefore, writing paper is a rou...