与研究相关的信件或电子邮件(Letters or emails used in research):如果在研究过程中有重要的信件或邮件往来,可将其整理后放在附录中。 抽样调查问卷(Sample questionnaires or surveys):如果论文涉及问卷调查,完整的问卷样本可以放在附录里。 完整的采访记录(Full interview trans):对于有采访内容的研究,完整的采访记录...
◆Maps, Charts Or Images (各种图像) ◆Letters Or Emails Used In Research (与研究相关的信件或电子邮件) ◆Sample Questionnaires Or Surveys (抽样调查问卷) ◆Full Interview Trans (完整的采访记录) 2.Appendix如何排版? 每个学校对于Appendix的Format的规定不是统一的,所以同学们最好先检查学校发的指南。通常...
Maps, charts or images(各种图像) Letters or emails used in research(与研究相关的信件或电子邮件) Sample questionnaires or surveys(抽样调查问卷) Full interview trans(完整的采访记录) 我们需要在文章正文中提到appendix的内容,但不需要太过详细。例如,在论文的“results”部分总结测试结果,然后在appendix中附上...
74|Appendix1:SampleProposals AGuidetotheALMThesis ASampleHumanitiesResearchProposal Note:Theauthorhasincludedhername,address,phonenumber,e-mailaddress, andthedateofsubmissiononthetitlepage.Sincemanythesisproposalsareoften receivedintheALMofficeatthesametime,itisimportantthatthisinformationbe ...
Letters or emails used in research(与研究相关的信件或电子邮件) Sample questionnaires or surveys(抽样调查问卷) Full interview trans(完整的采访记录) 我们需要在文章正文中提到appendix的内容,但不需要太过详细。例如,在论文的“results”部分总结测试结果,然后在appendix中附上完整的内容。 Appendix如何排版: 在大...
Letters or emails used in research(与研究相关的信件或电子邮件) Sample questionnaires or surveys(抽样调查问卷) Full interview trans(完整的采访记录) 我们需要在文章正文中提到appendix的内容,但不需要太过详细。例如,在论文的“results”部分总结测试结果,然后在appendix中附上完整的内容。
Appendix: Al inBiopharmaceuticals - Examples of reports generated by ChatGPT, following a user prompt Explain how recent advances in Al technology are providing benefit to all aspects of biopharmaceutical research, development and production in 900 words: A... G Barker - 《European Biopharmaceutical ...
Appendix S1- Variability within the 10-Year Pollen Rain of a Seasonal Neotropical Forest and Its Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Phenological Research Pollen processing protocols. Step-by-step outline of aerial trap assembly, sample processing, and slide preparation. (PDF) DS Haselhorst,JE Moren...
Significant scales, composed of items that maintained discrimination at the 0.05 level in two groups of 50 subjects each; 2. Marginally significant scales, composed of additional items for which P =0.05 or less in the total sample of 100 Ss; 3. Nondifferentiating items that did not ...
Letters Or Emails Used In Research(与研究相关的信件或电子邮件) Sample Questionnaires Or Surveys(抽样调查问卷) Full Interview Trans(完整的采访记录) 2.调查和访谈相关内容: 与调查和访谈等内容相关的书面材料也可以放在 Appendix 中。将这些项目包括在你的毕业 Dissertation 中很重要,以便老师可以看到所有基于结论...