Title. This document is known as the "Unified Development Code of the City of Seguin, Texas", and may be referred to as the "UDC", "this code", "Development Code", "Zoning Code", or "Subdivision Code". 1.1.2. Purpose. The purpose of the Unified Development Code (UDC) is to ...
The text appearing in italic type is not part of the proper shipping name of the hazardous material and is used for descriptive or references purposes only. This numerical list can be used to determine the proper shipping name of a hazardous material when the UN or NA number is known. Once...
14 FAR 25.853 (d), (App. F to part 25, part V) 烟雾密度测试 14 FAR 25.853 (d), Appendix F, Part IV燃烧热量释放测试 14 FAR 25.853 (c, App.F to part II) 乘客座椅 14 FAR 25.853 b(2,3), (App. F to part 25 part I (a) 水平燃烧测试 14 FAR 25.855 (App. F to part III)...
Appendix Z to Subpart B of Part 430 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: ELECTRONIC CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSe-CFR data is current as of May 18, 2020Title 10 → Chapter II → Subchapter D → Part 430 → AppendixTitle 10: Energy PART 430—ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS A??? Z...
(c)-II Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or higher 7(c)-IV Lead in PZT based dielectric ceramic materials for capacitors being part of 9(industrial), 11 9(industrial), 11 2024/1/21 2024/1/21 integrated circuits or discrete ...
阿尔卑斯电气株式会社 绿色采购标准书 (附件) 造福人类,保护自然 发行:2011 年 6 月 1 日 修订:2011 年 5 月 16 日 制定:2002 年 7 月 26 日 阿尔卑斯电气株式会社 目录 附件 1 「环境管理企业(交易商)自我评价表」的解说及制作程序 附件 2 环境管理企业(交易商)自我评价表 附件 3 环境负荷物质管理...