During the preceding 5 years, part was zoned for residential use by not more than 2 units per lot, or (ii) Any lot is restricted to residential use by not more than 2 units. C. Criteria for Approval. Subdivision standards are detailed in Chapter 4. Replats are evaluated using th...
Ds (4.0) ≤ 200 14 CFR 25 Appendix F, Part I纺织品垂直燃烧测试– 产品范围 座椅装饰,被套,床罩,窗帘,门帘,帷帐,百叶窗,折叠椅坐垫等等 14 CFR 25 Appendix F, Part I纺织品垂直燃烧测试 – 相关标准 14 CFR Part 25,Appendix F, Part V (FAR 25.853(d)Part V) 14 FAR 25.853 b(4)), (App....
Aerosols, corrosive, Packing Group II or III, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, flammable (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s. (engine starting fluid) (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, nonflammable (each not exceeding 1 L capacity)...
内容提示: ELECTRONIC CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONSe-CFR data is current as of May 18, 2020Title 10 → Chapter II → Subchapter D → Part 430 → AppendixTitle 10: Energy PART 430—ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS A??? Z ?? S??? B ?? P??? 430—U??? T??? M???
"Brominated flame retardants (BFR)", "Chlorinated flame retardants (CFR)" - "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)" - "Part of phthalate (Target of RoHS Directive)" - "Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (2 or more chlorine atom)" ・Carried out the following to simplify this appendix. -Removed ...