Appendix epididymisMathieu Latour MD, FRCPCUropathology (Second Edition)
The appendix testis and epididymis are well visualized on ultrasound examination. It is important to recognize the normal anatomy of the appendages to exclude them as a cause of pathology and confirm their presence as normal structures. We describe the appearances of the appendices testis and epididy...
Torsion of the Appendix Epididymis and Appendix Testis: Three Case Reports - ScienceDirect We report a very rare case of spontaneous ilioappendicial fistula with right common iliac aneurysm. After the aneurysm was opened, afferent and efferent ve... Gladen R. Hamilton Col. MC, USA,Charles A....
Appendix testis - Hydatid of morgagni - Appendix epididymis - Cryptorchidism - Inguinal herniaTesticular appendages represent remnants of embryonic structures. The more important are appendix testis (AT) and appendix epididymis (AE). We searched for the presence of an AT or AE in 103 consecutive ...
在这份报告, anti-Mullerian 荷尔蒙受体类型的表示 2 ( AMHR2 ), AMH 的特定的受体,与不同 urological 混乱相关在 AT 上被调查例如脱肠 inguinalis ,扭转在, cysta epididymis ,精索静脉曲张,阴囊积水睾丸和 undescended 睾丸的各种各样的形式.在病人和 AMHR2 的表示的年龄之间的关联也被检验.反向的 ...