Does appendix go before or after references Chicago? The dominant convention, supported by Chicago, Hart's, and Butcher's, is to put thebibliography after the appendices when setting a book.
Before we go through the steps of making an appendix, it is essential that we understand its meaning. What is an appendix? An appendix is a raw data or extra information, generally provided at the end or after the citation page of the document with references in the main text. Sometimes,...
(year) found that [Use as subsequent citation thereafter.] Appendix 3: APA reference style 6. When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by ‘et al.’ (not italicized and followed by a period after ‘al’) and the year for the first and...
To mark an Objective-C collection type as containing a certain type of element, the element type can appear in angle brackets (<>) after the name of the collection type but before the asterisk. This is an Objective-C method that returns an array of strings: ...
and 6 months after the onset of crizotinib treatment. The image obtained before the treatment (top panel) revealed large tumor nodules at the right hilum (indicated by the broken white circle) with multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum, atelectasis in ...
The appendix or appendices should appear after your reference list or list of sources. If your professor prefers the appendix to appear in a different space after your paper, such as before the reference list, follow their requirements.[6] You should also make sure you list the appendix in...