Showing a limited preview of this publication: APPENDIX A: MULTI-LEVEL DESCRIPTIONMulti-level description is one of a number of choices for the bibliographic descriptions of parts.Solely as an illustration of the various choices resulting in descriptions ona single level, see thefollowing examples:A...
Szeged, and also with theapproval of the General Secretary and of the Erasmus Coordinator of the Univer-sity of Szeged. The study will be written up as my doctoral dissertation.If you choose to become involved in this research, your involvement willinclude being observed at social events. Thus...
The most essential requirement for any measuring unit is its constancy. In historical chronology, however, this condition is satisfied only in three cases: by the Egyptian years of 365 days, by the days themselves, counted consecutively as “julian days
Between Birth and Death: Female Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century China by Michelle T. King Between Birth and Death is a revised dissertation (University of California–Berkeley, 2007) that focuses on nineteenth-century female infanticide in China and the clash between native and foreign efforts to ...
11James I. McNelis, ed., The uncollated manuscripts of The Master of Game (Dissertation, University of Washington, 1996), 138.12Mark Science, ed. EETS original series (o. s.) 170 (London: Milford, 1927).13Regiment of Princes, ed. Furnivall.14The original chronicle of Andrew of Wynto...
Hunc vero agendi modum Syri quoque orthodoxi bene multi secuti sunt; inter quos, cum locum prseslantissimum teneat Jacobus Sarugensis, baud abs re fuerit Dissertationi nostrse de hujus vita et scriptis brevem de Syrorum poesi adnectere disquisiiionem. II. Quum Syrorum ars poetica ex ...
in the Départementd’information et de communication at Université Laval and areview of programs broadcast by these networks at several timesin the history of television and published as part of a doctoraldissertation (Bastien 2007). Both sources were based largely oninformation contained in the ...