If a row to be appended would produce a duplicate entry in a unique secondary table key, a handleable exception of the class CX_SY_ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY is raised. If a block of rows to be appended would produce a duplicate entry in a unique secondary table key, a non-handleable exceptio...
DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF spfli.FIELD-SYMBOLS LIKE LINE OF itab.APPEND INITIAL LINE TO itab ASSIGNING .-carrid = '...'... 语法: SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 750, ©Copyright 2016 SAP AG. All rights reserved.ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Proce...
"Part 1 TYPES: BEGIN OF wa, col1 TYPE c LENGTH 1, col2 TYPE i, END OF wa. DATA wa_tab TYPE TABLE OF wa WITH EMPTY KEY. DO 3 TIMES. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO wa_tab. APPEND VALUE #( col1 = sy-index col2 = sy-index ** 2 ) TO wa_tab. ...
1 SAP ABAP 2 SAP BASIS 3 SAP BW Similarily, if the table is without header we will use a structure of same type of the table and append it.. e_struc-field1 = 3. e_struc-field2 = 'SAP BW'. APPEND e_struc TO tab. COLLECT : This keyword is used for summation purposes.. when...
(注释语句) 格式1:REM 注释内容 格式2:’ 注释内容 功能:在 分享812 epage吧 等离子1007 ePage历史修改记录 分享9赞 abap吧 Janewar ABAP程序中调用不同类型的函数弹出不同的消息对话框一组有用的用户交互窗口函数 显示多条消息 SAP系统用的是这个函数:C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF...
INSERTitab_position[result]. COLLECTitab[result]. APPENDTO itab[SORTED BY comp][result]. MODIFYtable_key|index[TRANSPORTING comp1 comp2 ...][result]. MODIFYitab TRANSPORTINGcomp1comp2... WHERElog_exp|(cond_syntax). DELETETABLEitab....