have a 16 collums x 256 rows matrix. I'm serial reading out each time 1 value from a microcontroller and have to append this value to the collum. After 16 values, it has to spring to a new collum. And so on till the matrix is full. Anyone who knows how to make this in matlab?
What I wanted to output it's something like the following. 3 matrices. each of the matrices has the 5x2 values from matrix A and at the end 1/3 rows from Matrix B. Also another thing, I'm using an example of an specifc size but since my matrix would vary i would rather not ...
3D Matrix in MATLAB A 3D matrix or array is different from a 2D matrix or array. In a 2D matrix, we encounter two dimensions – rows and columns. The first dimension signifies the row, while the second denotes the column. However, when delving into the realm of 3D matrices, an addition...
real-valued M-by-N matrix States of the path, specified as a real-valued M-by-N matrix. M is the number of states appended to the path, and N is the dimension of each state. The dimension of each state is governed by the state space defined in the StateSpace property of navPath....
A script to append a column with values and read... Learn more about https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/470
ditto for second header and then follow up w/ appropriate format string for the array. You may want to adjust the spacing of the shorter to center better in the field widths but that's all just bookkeeping (albeit somewhat tedious).
MATLAB gives ther error: Wrong number of input arguments for obsolete matrix-based syntax. My suspicion is that the best way to approach this is using the cellfun or arrayfun functions, but I must admit, the examples provided in the documentation don...
Adding Controls to a Table Layout Panel in code Adding editable dropdown (dropdown list) to datagridview column. Adding event handler to ToolStripMenuItem Adding images to ListView (yes, I know this a rudimentary problem.) Adding Items to a ComboBox in a DataGridView Adding Multiple Arrays ...
Before performing the inner product, the second vector, w, has to be transformed into a column vector. In fact, these vectors are actually matrices in MATLAB, and the product between two matrices can be performed only if a condition is met. From the basic mathematical theory comes that two...
Public Function BoldInRich(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal texttobold As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo err rtb.Select(InStr(rtb.Text, texttobold) - 1, Len(rtb.Text)) Dim currentFont As System.Drawing.Font = rtb.SelectionFont rtb.SelectionFont = New Font(currentFont.FontFamily, curre...