The meaning of APPEALS COURT is any one of 13 courts in the U.S. below the Supreme Court. How to use appeals court in a sentence.
The meaning of COURT OF APPEALS is a court hearing appeals from the decisions of lower courts —called also court of appeal. How to use court of appeals in a sentence.
Related to appeals: appeals courtap·peal (ə-pēl′) n. 1. An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication. 2. A resort to a higher authority or greater power, as for sanction, corroboration, or a decision: an appeal to reason; an appeal to her listener's sympathy. 3. La...
appeals court,appellate court,court of appeals- a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies judicial branch- the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civi...
In Level 5, also known as the Federal District Court level, beneficiaries can file a lawsuit in federal court if they continue to disagree with the decisions made at previous levels of the appeals process. To get this judicial review, your case must meet a minimum dollar amount, which may ...
How many Court of Appeals are there in Texas? What is judicial reprieve? How many judges are on the Utah Court of Appeals? What limit does the Fifth Amendment place on government? What happens in district court? What does the 5th Amendment forbid?
Discover the job of the United States Court of Appeals. Learn about the court of special appeals, and look at the difference between state and...
单词federal appeals court 释义 federal appeals court noun[C] LAW,GOVERNMENT uk us one of the twelvecourtsoflawin the US thatdealswithdecisionsaboutcasesthat have already beenjudgedby lessimportantcourts. Eachfederalappealscourtisresponsiblefor aparticulargroupofstateswithin the US: ...
600 Commerce reviews the Dallas Court of Appeals' commercial litigation opinions. It is published by David Coale, leader of the appellate practice at Lynn Pinker Hurst & Schwegmann.
To make sure the rules stood up to court challenges, the agency also put broadband in thesame legal classification as the old-style telephone network, which gave the FCC more power to regulate it. The stricter definition provoked a backlash from Republicans, who said the move was c...