My only idea would be that either the PSN ID or any of the entered data (name and such) are the things that violated the terms, since you never even got a chance to do anything else - but you would probably know about that if it was you who set it up. No clue. Voltan 6 beet...
You will need to speak to our Terms of Service team in relation to any ban@foorloop There is no other way to speak with the team and we are not able to assist with TOS issues on AHQ. The process to contact our ToS team can be found here:
Tudd meg, hogy jogosult vagy-e a végleges felfüggesztés megfellebbezésére a PlayStation™Networkön (PSN). Fellebbezhetek a végleges felfüggesztésem ellen? Ha a PlayStation Safety csapata úgy ítéli meg, hogy olyan tartalmat töltöttél fel vagy osztottál meg, amely s...