因为里面还有好几个隐藏的文件夹和文件。网页浏览生产的各种缓存文件也在这里的。一个隐藏的网页缓存目录Temporary Internet Files以及系统网络缓存目录WebCache 这两个占的空间多一点,网页缓存目录最多。清理一下浏览器缓存吧。谢谢,请采纳,记得顺便给我点赞哦,给我点赞的同时,你也会得到 10 财富值...
path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Temporary Filesname: LastAccessHope above information can help you.Thanks again for your understanding and support.Best Regards,Otto Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feed...
Block windows portable devices(WPD) without using Group Policy or registry c++? Blocking games from users like Solitaire Blocking Google Chrome through GPO Blocking USB through GPO & excluding certain users Blocking websites on domain machines using Microsoft edge on windows 10 blocks NT 4.0 driver ...
在Local文件夹中的Temp文件夹是临时文件夹,里面存放着很多用户安装软件的临时数据,是可以删除的。此外,Appdate中的空文件夹也是可以删除的。 扩展资料: Appdate文件下可以删除的文件: 1、C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Temp 2、C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\TemporaryInternetFiles 3、C:\U...
在Windows 操作系统中,C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local 这个路径是用来存储本地用户数据的。这个路径的起源可以追溯到早期的 Windows 版本,当时 Microsoft 开始采用类似于 Unix 系统的文件结构,将用户相关的数据分别存储在不同的目录下,以增强系统的可维护性和安全性。
里面还有好几个隐藏的文件夹和文件,网页浏览生产的各种缓存文件也在这里。一个隐藏的网页缓存目录Temporary Internet Files以及系统网络缓存目录WebCache 这两个占的空间多一点,网页缓存目录最多。建议清理。
microsoft windows communication 8weky local state files fortunately it was detected. But why is that directory vulnerable ti this virus. Tuesday, November 27, 2018 5:56 PM check Sub-folders within it, in my case Spotify was using 9 Gb within Packages folder, ...
But this is the initial attempt at services so maybe there will be room for improvement as Microsoft becomes aware of what the full sets of needs are.
What is Local? The Local folder is for storing files that can't move from your user profile and also often contains files that may be too large to synchronize with a server. For example, it might house some files that are needed for a video game to run or your web browser cache, whi...
I have a script which clears files in the cache folder which works if I run on the laptop manually however I cant seem to get it done via intune? Here is the script: # Define the path to the cache directory $cachePath="C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneN...